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Yn : oh wow
I said while licking my lips.

He placed the bowl back on the counter and then leaned in and kissed me. Cookie dough and taehyung's mouth mixed together is like heaven, in case you're wondering. I made a noise deep in my throat that let him know how much I liked it, and it made him laugh. But he didn't stop kissing me. He just laughed through the kiss and it completely melt my heart.

He stopped kissing me and picked up the bowl again. He walked it over to the opposite counter and started spooning dough onto two cookie sheets. He placed the cookies in oven and come near me.

Tae : you know what?
He strock his fingers crossed my hairs

Yn : what?
I asked looking into his eyes.

Tae : you are my favourite person.
He smiled

Yn : in how many people?

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Yn : in how many people?

Tae : all of them.
He laughed a little which made me smile.

He placed his hands on either side of me. He drop his head in my neck and started kissing me. He kissed my collarbone and slide his hand slowly up to my back. I swear, i can feel one kiss all over my body. He was about to kiss my lips when he heard a ring of his phone.

Tae : who is calling me at this important time.

Yn : you should pick up, it can be important.

He picked his phone and started talking, i hear of his talked and as realise it was jimin.

Tae : um sorry babe i have to go.
He said with pout on his face.

Yn : it's okeyy.
I smiled

Tae : keep an eye on the cookies. They will be finished in twenty minutes.

He kiss on my forehead and walked out.

Tae : i will be back soon.
He said and i smiled him as a goodbye.

At 7 o'clock

Tae come and sit besides me on the bed.

Yn : what take you so long?

Tae : nothing just....Something important come up. By the way did you eat the cookies how was it?

Yn : i have not tried them yet.

Tae : why?

Yn : i didn't want to eat them without you.

I picked up the box of cookies and started eating while sharing it with him.

Yn : it is the best cookies i have ever had.

He smiled a Little, i tried to grab another one, but he pulled the box away and put the lid back in it.

Tae : if you eat too many you will make yourself sick of them and you won't like my cookies anymore.

Yn : impossible.
I laughed

He stare at me with serious face like he wanted to say something but he is not saying.

Yn : taehyung?

Tae : hm?

Yn : do you wanna say something?

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Yn : do you wanna say something?

He took deep sign and hold my hands.

Tae : i can't live in this house with you anymore.

Hearing his words make me feel numb for new seconds. I felt like my heart is falling apart. I wanted to cry.

Yn : D-Did something happened. did i do something wrong? don't leave me please, i can't live without you.

Tae : i have lived enough with you but now it's time to move on.

He suddenly stopped talking as he saw my tears falling from my eyes.

Tae : yn!!! Babe!!! I-I'm so sorry.

He said and hugged me tightly.

To be countinue ________

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