19. New Sides

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"Would you like to go somewhere more private?" I look back to Ian, trying to process what he just asked me.

I nod my head. "Sure."

My abandoned soda finds it's way to my lips. I avoid Cade's hard stare on us.

We make our way to the pool at the backyard. It was beautiful and peaceful. Very little amount of people were out here.

"Your costume is terrific by the way." I tell Ian.

He looks at me confusedly. "Good terrific or bad terrific?" I'm pretty sure terrific just means good.

"I'm just gonna take it as a good terrific." We both keep our eyes on the pool. Even if I didn't want to, I couldn't help but compare the moments I've had with Cade and this one moment with Ian.

No matter how long or short of a time I spend with any other guy, I'm afraid it will never be measured up to a minute I spend with Cade.

It's fucking cliché, I know.

"So...." Ian trails, kicking his leg back and forth.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I mentally facepalm myself. How did I not think this is what he wants to talk about?

"No I don't." I say casually. Ian is cute and funny even, but he will never be compared to the boy with grey eyes my heart beats for.

My heart beats for?

Come on Freya.

"Have you had one?" Ian ask again.


"Well....." He looks at me from the side, "do you maybe wanna have one?" His voice comes out a little more quietly. He rubs the back of his neck nervously.

I sigh. "Ian where are you going with this?" I know where this is headed though.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I might as well say it anyway. I like you Freya. I've liked you since sophomore year." I raised my brows in surprise. I was actually surprised, cause I've never noticed it.

"I've always wanted to talk to you at school or at other parties, but I also thought you hated everyone because you seclude yourself so much." I do hate everyone. Not really hate though and obviously not everyone. I like my people.

I like a specific someone.


Did I just finally recognize my feelings for Cade?

Ian turns me to face him directly. "I really like you Freya and I want you to be my girlfriend. I've waited for this day for so long and it's finally happening. You're amazing and so pretty." He said with hope in his eyes.

I will not lie, this is unexpected. I never thought guys liked me or noticed me, but now I see that I was wrong. I never pay attention to anything, cause it stresses me out. Plus, I prefer my own little bubble and my group of company than anything else.

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