⁰✿☬The Kingdom☬✿⁰

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Wilbur POV:

The first thing he noticed as he entered the kingdom of Las Nevadas was the buzz of excitement in the air.

This was a kingdom of changing times and exciting happenings.

From what he knew of the royal family, they had recently had some unrest when the king, Schlatt had gone to war and not come back.

Presumed dead -at the hands of their neighboring country Dreamsmp, the crown fell to the first in line, Prince Quackity.

As Wilbur heard, he was only 19, just a few years younger than himself.

He adjusted his coat and pulled his scarf higher, slipping in between the bustling crowd unnoticed.

As he did so, he caught a few words of conversation from the murmuring.

'the palace, tonight!'...' yes for his birthday!'...'a masquerade!'

Well, that was highly convenient.

Wilbur smiled to himself slightly. A masquerade ball in the castle. A perfect cover.

Really, it was shocking how many monarchs didn't get murdered when they kept holding literal anonymous parties in the palace.

Although it would also be crowded, so the opportunity for a discrete situation may be lowered.

He still had two weeks left before the coronation, so if it proved to be difficult, he could just use the night to get acquainted with the castle, and its inhabitants.

That being said, being professional as he was, he usually aimed to get it over with as soon as possible.

But with a target like this, in a position of power, tact was necessary.

Especially to avoid the panic and chaos that generally ensued when a prince was randomly skewered.


Quackity POV:

He looked out the window of his bedroom solemnly.

As dusk slowly arrived, extravagantly dressed crowds slowly made their way to the castle.

He sighed. The last thing he felt like doing was going to one of these social events where everyone was watching him, expecting things from him.

It felt so dehumanizing to feel constantly perceived and whispered about.

Sometimes he wondered why on earth he was born into this life.

He had no idea what he was doing, and he's never fully grasped the basics of how to act in his position.

It was like he was expected to just know. Like some epiphany would just come to him when that crown touched his head.

His coronation was only in two weeks and although he'd been waiting his whole life for this moment, he was feeling very...confused.

He hadn't even had a chance to get out and see the world before he was thrust into leading it.

He was interrupted in his thoughts by the creak of his door.

He smiled as a small head popped in sheepishly.

"Hey, tubbo," Quackity said softly.

The six-year-old climbed up and sat on his bed quietly.


Quackity walked over and sat next to him.

"You enjoying your birthday? Not every day someone turns 6 huh?"

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