个。⁠:゚๑Night Life๑゚⁠:⁠。个

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Quackity POV:

Once they were on their way, horses trotting at a satisfactory pace, Quackity allowed himself a little whoop of excitement and sped up.

He looked back at Wilbur and grinned.

Wilbur smiled back.

Once the castle was a shriveled silhouette at their backs, Quackity slowed down and let Wilbur catch up to him.

They crested a hill and looked out along the horizon.

Wilbur POV:

"There, that village there is where we're going." Said Quackity matter-of-factly, pointing.

It wasn't far, and they were downhill from thereon because the village was tucked away in a valley of sorts.

So it was only just seeping into darkness when they arrived at the brink of the little town, met by the sounds of merriment and music.

There were little to no people in the streets themselves, but it was quite evident that most of the nightlife was going on inside.

Quackity snatched a flyer off of a wall and for a split second, Wilburs' heart raced as he thought it might have been a wanted poster for himself, even despite his efforts to remain unknown to the law.

But Quackity's eyes widened in excitement, not fear. "The band that played at my uncle's third wedding is at the Fox's Inn just over there! They were really good!" He turned to Wilbur. "Oh, we have to go."

Wilbur smiled and raised his eyebrows at Quackity's enthusiasm. "I mean, sure, why not. But you can't walk around like that. It'd cause a ruckus. You need a disguise."

Quackity blinked. "You're probably right."

He reached into his bag and grabbed a scarf, wrapping it around his neck and pulling it up his face.

He pulled his hood up and turned to Wilbur. "How's this."

"Good enough. Wait, no, here." He pulled the glasses he never wore out of his pocket and handed them to the prince. "Your eyes are too recognizable."

Quackity took them. "Really?" He asked, putting them on and blinking.

Wilbur shrugged. "I could recognize them from a mile away."

Quackity blinked again and turned away. "Alright, let's go."

They ambled over to the Inn, dismounting and going in after tying up their horses.

They were met with lively music and a crowded room.

Wilbur led the prince over to an empty table and they sat down.

"Not going to dance?" He teased Quackity.

"I don't like this music that much."

"Disappointing. You were so elegant at the ball!" He said laughing.

Quackity glared. "Shut up. I only stepped on your toes like four times." Then he smiled smugly. "And only two of those were on purpose."

Wilbur acted offended. "After your graciousness when we met, I'm surprised at how much of an utter meanie you are."

Quackity smirked. "And I'm impressed by your complete disregard for my title and position."

Wilbur shrugged. "Well, you're not king yet."

"No...I'm not king yet."

He looked tired so Wilbur took it as his responsibility to de-stress him. He called over the grumpy-looking barmaid and ordered a round of drinks.

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