。*⁠♡The One He Couldn't Kill♡*⁠。

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♪⁠ ★"And you'll forgive me for thinking heaven was [his] bedroom, it's as close as I would ever get."☆♬

-Heaven is a Bedroom(T.V girl)


Quackity POV:

Quackity sagged, he buried his head in Wilbur's shoulder and sobbed. Mainly out of exhaustion and relief more than anything.

Wilbur held him, and when Quackity looked up at his own tear-stained face he couldn't help smiling.

"Please, just tell me it wasn't a lie?" He asked earnestly.

Wilbur smiled back. "None of it."

Then he made a sheepish face. "Ok, I mean, some of it...but like...not the important stuff."

Quackity laughed and couldn't stop himself from reaching up and pressing his lips to Wilburs.

Wilbur was taken by surprise only for a moment before he returned the short but sweet kiss.

Quackity grinned against his face, holding him close. "I love you." He murmured. "I don't care who you are or what you've done."

These words meant the world to Wilbur, but he didn't know how to say it, so he just started to kiss him again, relishing in the feeling of the prince's lips on his, the smell of his hair, the feeling of his hands on Wilbur's arms lightly.

Quackity suddenly stopped him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him down so that they were sitting on the bed.

"But, you do still need to tell me what the fuck is going on." He demanded.

"Oh, right, yeah, sorry," Wilbur said relentingly.

He took a deep breath. "Your uncle, Schlatt, is still alive."

Quackity knew this already of course, but nodded and let Wilbur continue.

"He contacted Mr. Creedin and had him hire me, to kill the crown prince of this kingdom. You." He poked Quackity in the arm.

"Anyway, I wasn't told much, definitely not why, but I snuck in here a got a job so I could try and kill you."

"You're not very good at it, are you?" Quackity interrupted, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, I'm still alive and I feel like you had ample opportunity..."

Wilbur bristled. "I'm actually great at it, thank you very much. I have- had a 100% success rate. Till you came along and messed it all up."

Quackity's lips tugged up in a slight smirk.

"Did I...distract you?" He said slyly, trailing a finger along Wilbur's jaw and tilting his head.

Wilbur POV:

Wilbur faltered for a moment. "I-uh, I'm..."

He caught Quackity's wrist and narrowed his eyes.

"I'm completely focused thank you." He said, not releasing his grip, instead pulling the prince forward and kissing him.

This time it wasn't the soft gentle kiss from before, taking on a new feeling of making up for two weeks of unknowingly pining.

Wilbur sighed into the kiss and felt Quackitys tongue slip into his mouth, their lips moving in perfect sync.

He wrapped his arms around Quackitys waist, feeling the prince's fingers tangle in his hair.

There was something so irresistible about doing something he knew he shouldn't.

There were no thoughts between them about what happened now. Anything outside of that room melted away. They simply existed in that moment, in each other, and nothing else.

He wished this little bubble they were in could last forever. Never worrying about anything else, just holding each other forever while the rest of the world moved on without them.

He almost couldn't bring himself to ever stop, but eventually, he slowly pushed Quackity back onto the bed and broke away grinning, inches from the prince's face.

He'd never seen Quackity this close before, and even in the dim lighting, he could see the usually invisible freckles across his nose and the richness of his deep dark eyes. The crinkle of his eyes when he smiled, the way his fringe fell in his face, and the way he brushed it aside.

"You taste good," Wilbur said.

Quackity raised an eyebrow and Wilbur grinned in response. "Even better than expected."

"Expected?" Quackity blinked. Wilbur smirked unashamedly.

"Like a fresh summers breeze-" he began teasingly before Quackity covered his mouth with his hand hastily.

"Shush dude, there are guards posted at my door! They'll hear you!"

"Oh, and they wouldn't when we were fighting before? They're probably asleep." Wilbur said dismissively. "Oh, and anyway I think they know."

"Know what? Who?"

Wilbur stifled a laugh at the memory. "Well, apparently there been some gossip around the Castle. I heard some servants whispering as I went past and apparently Niki from the library saw us climbing out of that closet yesterday."

Quackity went red. "Oh, you have to be kidding."

"I am not. I think it's hilarious, although I hope Creedin doesn't find out we came out of that closet." Wilbur said jokingly, leaning down and kissing Quackity quickly.

Quackity fought a smile and glared. "Get off dumbass."

Wilbur smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Make me."

Quackity kneed him in the stomach.

"Ow! Fuck dude I was joking!" Wilbur protested, laughing and rolling off him, trying to catch his breath back.

Quackity smirked smugly. "I know."

Quackity POV:

He walked over to his desk and poured some wine, picking up a goblet.

When he turned around he saw Wilbur with a stupid expression and looked back down to the wine in his hand.

"This is poisoned, isn't it."

"Yeeaaaaahhhh....can't blame a guy for trying!" Wilbur shrugged.

Quackity rolled his eyes and started to place the goblet down. But before he could, he got a waft of scent from the wine. It had a faint smell of lavender.

He frowned. "I...this smell..." He muttered to himself. "It's poison."

His eyes widened and he spun around back to Wilbur. "It's poison!"

Wilbur POV:

Wilbur looked back at him confusedly. "Yes, that's what I said. Casia mors, it's very dangerous. Kills you in large doses, but can make you very sick and even damage your memory in small ones."

Quackity ran back towards him and gripped his shoulders. "My mother. She was poisoned!"

Wilbur's eyes widened.

"Schlatt!" They both said at the same time.

"Wait, I think... in the library, -I have to show you!" Wilbur rambled out, standing up.

"What?" Quackity said, furrowing his brows.

But Wilbur was already racing out, flinging open the door and only stopping to call back smugly;

"Yup, they're asleep!"

And he sped off for the library.

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