☆♫♪Masquerade๑♬★ (Pt 2)

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♪⁠ ★Enemies to lovers -Joshua Kyan Aalampour☆♬


Quackity POV:

He didn't know what drew him to that man across the room, but he was mesmerised, -just for a moment until a voice tore him away.

"Your highness!" Called Mr. Creedin, another high member of court that Quackity particularly despised.

He turned towards him with dread. "Yup?"

Creedin scowled at him. "You are to greet guests and mingle. Politely. And don't make a scene like last time or I swear-"

But Quackity wasn't listening anymore. He glanced back in search of the mysterious man, but he was now nowhere to be found.

He sighed, shouldering past Creedin. "Yeah, yeah alright." He started off into the crowd. "And that guy from 'last time' totally deserved it." He added under his breath.

As he wove through the bustling people, he couldn't help scanning faces in search of that man from before.

He'd at least like to know his name. These masks weren't fooling anyone, and he'd been to enough of these events to not recognise him.

He paused at a table and took a glass of champagne. If he had to be here, he could at least make it a bit more bearable by being marginally buzzed.

Unfortunately, someone took advantage of him being stationary and approached him.

It was a duke he somewhat recognised from diplomacy meetings.

"Your Highness!" The man said enthusiastically. "I am truly graced to see you again!"

Quackity mentally rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Ditto." He grabbed another glass.

"I am thrilled to hear about your upcoming coronation! Big shoes to fill from your uncle though, eh?"

Quackity just nodded, glancing away for any possible escape route.

The duke waffled on, until another voice interrupted him.

"Prince Quackity? A dance if I may?".

He turned around, relieved, but quickly his face dropped.

"Oh. Hello Collin." He said.

The ambassador for Dreamsmp smiled. "Hello, Your Highness." He offered his hand and Quackity reluctantly took it, but not before downing both his glasses and grabbing another.

Collin was the worst, to put it childishly. Never outright smug or rude, but something about him irked Quackity. Maybe it was the fact that their countries were at war, and Collin's king was the cruelest, awful tyrant there was.

So they didn't exactly get along.

He let himself be swept away into a dance, and only stepped on Collin's toes a few times out of spite.

"I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle," Collin said.

Actually, he took back what he said. Collin was smug.

He glared. "Maybe I should thank you for knocking him off." He said, knowing he probably shouldn't say that.

Collin just laughed, smirking as if he knew something Quackity didn't. This pissed him off.

"Don't think I won't beat your ass, diplomacy forgotten."

Collin rose an eyebrow. "Uh-uh Kid, under your supervision? I don't think so."

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