♥♡Reunion ♡♥

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♪⁠ ★Become the warm jets- Current Joys☆♬


King Quackity POV:

The coronation dragged on and he spent most of the time staring out the long stained windows, thinking.

Leaving the throne room quietly, he slipped away before he could be swamped with people.

He walked silently down the hallway to his room, though despite his tiredness he was going very slowly.

His ears pricked as footsteps echoed on the cold floor behind him.

He turned and felt his heart jump to his throat as he saw Angelica standing at the end of the Hall with a basket of laundry.

She continued past him with her head down, and Quackity swallowed the lump in his neck as he blinked away tears and cast his gaze to the ground.

But then he heard a small sound, like a sigh and sob.

He turned his head back to face the woman.

For a moment, they just locked eyes and neither spoke.

Then the basket of laundry dropped to the ground with a clang.

Angelica's usually warm and peaceful eyes finally showed the tiredness and deep sadness behind them.

Tears welled in her eyes and Quackity felt his own threaten to do the same.

Her soft voice echoed into the hallway, the sun illuminating her from the window behind.

"My son. Of course I remember you, my son."

Quackity ran forwards, his mothers arms already waiting for him.

He felt all the strength and tension he'd barely held together the past 24 hours melt away as he collapsed in his mothers arms.

He felt like a kid again, although he knew deep down he'd never really been one.

His head buried in her hair and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Why?" He voice broke. "Why did you leave me?"

His mother's voice was gentle and full of regret, her hands stroking his hair softly.

"I didn't know. I'm so sorry, I didn't know. That bastard made me sick. He made me forget everything."

She pulled away from him and grabbed his shoulders.

"But he could never make me forget about my wonderful son. Not for long."

"So when did you know?"

"Not fully, I just picked up feelings over time. I wanted to know who I really was. Things started to slot into place. But it was all still so confusing and hazy..."

She produced something tenderly from her apron pocket. The royal book.

"Until someone slid this under my door."

Wilbur. Quackity felt a tear streak his cheek and the ghost of a smile passed his lips. Wilbur had brought his mother back.

"Thank you." He whispered over his mother's shoulder as she embraced him again.

"I'm so proud of you, my little king. And I'm never leaving again. I'll continue to take care of you and dear Tubbo like I always have."

Quackity grabbed her hand. "Schlatt's dead and I am king. You don't have to hide anymore! In fact, you're hereby replacing every snake on my royal court. I can't rule on my own. I need you with me."

His mother smiled. "Ok. It'll be okay. You'll be ok." She reassured him softly.

And despite everything, he couldn't help but believe her.


。*✧The end✧⁠*⁠。

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