✪⁠)-Revenge-(⁠✪ (Prt 1)

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T.W.: gets a little intense, kinda Gorey at the end.

P.s: If you're really squeamish stop reading at the signal (you'll know it when you see it)
And you can start again when you see the rainbow :)


Quackity POV:

He didn't look back, or even acknowledge anyone as he pushed past them.

He heard a voice behind him as one guard tried to catch up, calling after him.

"Your Highness, we've received news that King Dream is traveling into our kingdom and fast approaching!"

Quackity turned to him slightly.

"Good." He said coldly. "Let him come."

He started to keep walking but stopped again.

"Actually, why make him wait?"


"Prepare my horse and armour."

"Yes, your highness. May I ask what for-?"

But Quackity didn't respond, marching swiftly away.


The first place he went was Creedin's office, although the slimy fuck still wasn't there.

This time he stormed in with reckless abandon, kicking the desk over with his foot.

It made a heavy crash to the ground, sending papers flying and a stray ink bottle smashing to the floor, the ink pooling like blood.

Quackity stepped in it as he strode past, leaving dark boot marks on the polished floor, kicking aside stacks of books as he went.

He sat heavily in the chair and glared at the door. There was a large part of him that still hadn't processed it.

He wasn't dead. He couldn't be.

It wasn't real. It wasn't fair.

He sighed and put his head in his hands. There was only one thing he could do. One thing he could latch onto.


Quackity POV:

The door creaked as it opened.

He was able to watch exactly as Creedin's face evolved to one of horror, then quickly back to a slightly more controlled stare.

He sat calmly in the chair with his hands folded together.

"Your Highness!" Creedin said with genuine shock.

Quackity raised an eyebrow. "Yes. Surprised to see me?"

"Well, I-"

"Thought I'd be dead by now?"

"I don't know what you're talking abo-"

"Don't fucking play dumb with me!" Growled Quackity, standing and banging his hands on the overturned desk.

Creedin's expression dropped. He turned away slightly and seemed to mutter mostly to himself.

"I knew that kid couldn't do it. Still, he seemed so eager to prove himself."

He glanced back at Quackity, starting to back towards the door.

"That first man probably took the money and ran, did he? Coward."

But the words barely crossed his lips before the prince suddenly moved, having Creedin shoved against the wall by the collar before the man could react to his movement at all.

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