。◍✧Poisonous ✧◍。

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Wilbur POV:

He peeked through the doorway of the kitchen and saw it, sitting on a shelf.

Casia mors. A small, inconspicuous bottle, but extremely deadly.

Conveniently for him, kitchens often used it to control the rat population because of the way it smelt strongly of lavender, meaning it wouldn't overly disrupt the food smell.

However, he couldn't exactly walk in and grab it. He glanced around the room and saw a little hatch on the side, covered by a crate of fresh fruit.

A faint shuffling behind him made him instinctively reach for his knife but the voice made him stop.

"You hungry?"

He spun to see little Tubbo standing behind him.

"Oh, uh, no I just-"

Tubbo peered around him at the door and grinned. "I can get in there y'know. The chef hates me because I'm always in there stealing food."

Wilbur raised an eyebrow. "I can see why that might grate them."

Tubbo fervently looked around. "You wanna know how I get in? I have a secret tunnel! But don't tell anybody!"

"Oh I won't, I promise. Can you show me?"

Tubbo nodded and took his arm, leading him around the corner.

He grinned back at Wilbur and pulled back a tapestry to reveal a small wooden hatch, identical to the one inside the kitchen.

Wilbur put two and two together.

"I haven't used it since they caught me last time and blocked it off inside, but it leads right in there!" Tubbo was rambling.

Wilbur examined it. There was no way he would fit inside. He supposed it used to be for the kitchen cat or something so it was far too small.

Besides, it would be pretty noticeable on the other side if a grown man crawled out of the wall.

He looked back at Tubbo. Hmm.

Would it be terribly immoral to have Tubbo fetch his cousin's murder weapon? Probably. But when had he ever cared about morals?

Still, he felt a little uneasy as he knelt down to Tubbo's height and smiled playfully at him.

"Hey," he whispered conspiringly, "if I move the blockage on the inside, do you reckon you can get me something?"

Tubbo nodded. "Oh yeah, I'm super sneaky, they won't even notice I'm in there."

"Great. The little bottle on the bottom shelf on the far wall. It has a little purple label."

He started to walk away but turned back to say, "I'll knock on the door inside to let you know it's safe to come out. Just wait a few seconds after I do."

Tubbo nodded determinedly and saluted to Wilbur before crouching down to crawl behind the tapestry.

Wilbur went back to the door and stepped inside to greet the noise and bustling of a castle kitchen.

No one even really acknowledged him at first, until a voice behind him said "Can I help you?"

He turned again and put on his most charming smile. "Yes ma'am, I was sent by Lady Veralda to collect some cooking alcohol."

This wasn't technically true, but it was something he saw her ask another servant so it wasn't too far-fetched.

The cook snorted. "Normal stuff not cutting it anymore? God that woman is on the path to becoming a bigger alcoholic than that wet sock of a king. Lord bless his soul."

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