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Schlatt POV:

*A few days ago*

Schlatt entered the throne room, flanked by several guards -not including the one he met before, who he now saw was up front talking to the king.

The king. Dream.

They locked eyes and Schlatt forced a smile. Dream was younger than he'd thought perhaps the same age as the disgruntled looking general to his side.

"Your Highness." He said, trying to strip his voice of any sarcasm.

Dream took no such courtesy, his tone practically dripping with disdain.

"Schlatt. You inquired to see me?"

"Yes, I did indeed. It seems as if we are in a difficult position here, aren't we?"

Dream raised an eyebrow. "Difficult position? You are my prisoner, your kingdom is left scrambling in your absence, and my armies are practically toying with yours."

Schlatt opened his mouth to speak but Dream continued instead.

"In fact, they think you dead. I've heard you've even been replaced."

Schlatt feigned slight shock. Of course, he knew about this from his secret correspondence with his court. And the fact that Quackity was the natural heir to the throne. More than he knew. But to dream he said, "My nephew, yes. I'm afraid whatever advantage you think you have in this war will come to an end if he's crowed."

Dream leaned forward slightly. "You think so? I've heard of your nephew. 19 and never seen combat. Yes, I'm shaking in my boots."

Schlatt grit his teeth. "Trust me, his interests lie not in continuing this war, but in bringing an end to it. Peacefully."

Dream's eyes narrowed and his face gave away interest for the first time since Shlatt entered.

Bingo. "You don't want that, do you Dream? This war has been great for you, hasn't it?"

"I assure you I will be fine. You, however," he began evenly. "-Have no leverage."


"Oh come on, I'm not an imbecile. I know you wish to come to some agreement with me. Why else would you request my presence? Simply to warn me? I doubt it. Plus, I know you. You thrive off of making deals. How on earth you think you are in a position to bargain with me is beyond my grasp, but please, state your case. What could a man in your situation possibly offer me."

"My kingdom," Schlatt said slyly.

"Your kingdom..." Repeated Dream with skepticism.

"If what you say is true, I have nothing to lose. We both know your armies were overpowering mine. I can save you the trouble and sign away my kingdom to your rule. We could combine our forces and we would be unstoppable!"

Dream raised an eyebrow. "Us?"

"Well as part of this deal, I would take a humble role in your court-"

"Lying little weasel!" The general burst out.

He looked to his king in indignation. "Your Highness he's-"

Dream simply held up a hand to silence him. "Quiet Sapnap. I want to hear him out."

Sapnap glared distrustfully at Schlatt but stayed silent.

Schlatt smiled gratefully. "I'm glad you see the wisdom of my proposal your highness."

Dream laughed without humor. "Go back to your cell Schlatt- no, wait, I'll arrange a room for you. We can begin negotiations Tomorrow."

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