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♪⁠ ★Under the Milky Way- The Church☆♬


(T.W: small mention of implied suicide)

Wilbur POV:

He launched his foot off the wall behind and lifted himself up to the roof of the building to their left.

Then he reached down to help Quackity up, hoisting them both onto the chipped tiles.

"Keep moving, let's go" he whispered to the prince, as they crept carefully along the roof.

They reached the end and Wilbur turned to Quackity, who was still clinging to his hand.

"We have to jump." He said simply.

"Yeah, I'd like to watch you try." Said Quackity skeptically.

Wilbur let his hand slip away and winked, before running a few steps and launching off the ledge, landing gracefully on the other side.

He turned back to the prince, who had his arm slightly outstretched in instinct.

"What were you going to do, catch me?" He laughed.

Quackity scowled and dropped his arm. "Shut up."

Wilbur went closer to the edge and held out a hand. "C'mon, now your turn!"

The prince looked determinedly at the other roof and took a few steps back, closing his eyes for a second.

He opened them and ran, pushing off and flying through the air.

His feet hit the roof with only a little stumble, Wilbur catching his arm to balance him.

Quackity looked up, a little out of breath. "Thanks." Then he broke into a grin. "Let's do it again!"

Wilbur laughed. "Ok."

Soon they were leaping from roof to roof, racing each other across the patched wood and tiles.

Quackity was getting very good at it, but he still clutched Wilburs' hand tightly.

This time Wilbur didn't let go.


Wilbur POV:

Finally, they reached the roof of a church, the highest place in the town.

"Good view," Wilbur commented.

And it was. It was beautiful.

But Wilbur noticed Quackity was looking up.

The stars were shining just like they did every night, but tonight they seemed special.

Wilbur smiled. "I used to stargaze with my brother back home."

Quackity looked at him strangely. "I used to do that with Tubbo."

"Well, great minds think alike!"

Quackity huffed out a breath of laughter.

"You still got that whiskey? Or did it plummet to its demise in our little gymnastics act?"

"Oh shoot I forgot about that!" Wilbur said, checking his satchel.

The whisky bottle seemed unharmed. "Oh thank gods" he sighed in relief.

Quackity snorted and stole the bottle, sitting down and taking a gulp of it.

He made a face and Wilbur smirked, sitting down next to him.

They passed the bottle between them, destroying any question of sobriety.

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