o✪╬ War room╬✪o

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(A/n: I love making the titles way more dramatic than necessary >:))

Wilbur POV:

"A pet or something?" He muttered to himself, climbing the stairs to the door.

He hadn't seen a dog or anything running around the Castle though.

As he opened the door, he quickly disproved this theory, seeing a curly brown-haired head peeking out from a pile of metal that might have once been a suit of armor.

The Prince was standing over him with his arms crossed, looking around for anyone passing by.

Wilbur slunk over to observe, curious about this unfamiliar young boy.

"-caught one of these days. If you stopped stealing from the kitchens maybe they would stop chasing you."

The boy grinned sheepishly. "I brought you a cookie." He said innocently, holding it out."

Quackity's frown dropped and he took it, shrugging. "I mean it's not illegal if you don't get caught I guess."

He helped the kid up and kicked the armor behind a tapestry.

Wilbur casually walked past, resisting the urge to whistle.

"C'mon Tubbo we have to be at this court meeting soon. Now your dad's...you'll have to start attending now."

He heard Quackity say.

Pieces suddenly fit together in his head.

Before the masquerade, he'd heard someone mention that it was a birthday celebration. He hadn't thought anything of it since, but now he realized that Quackity was still 19 and would be until the coronation. Meaning it must have been someone else's birthday, but it would have to be a member of the royal family.

Quackity must have been referring to Shlatt when he mentioned his 'dad'. This boy was Shlatt's son.

Meaning there were two princes.

He considered this revelation. Surely it didn't change anything right? He was sure that Creedin had specified he was supposed to kill Prince Quackity.

He remembered Prince Quackity saying that he was young when his mother died. So Tubbo probably wasn't even born at that point.

He was still far too young to rule yet. Was that Schlatt's plan? Make Tubbo first in line instead of Quackity?

But then why did Schlatt fake his death? Or at least let people think he was dead.

It didn't make sense, which bothered him.

It shouldn't, really. With his job, he was supposed to just carry out the assassination and be done with it.

Maybe he still had morals after all this time. Or maybe he just liked knowing someone before watching them bleed out on the floor.

He was stirred from his thoughts as the prince- the older one that is- addressed him.

"Ah, Wilbur. Go grab Tubbo's coat out of his room would you?"

Wilbur stood stationary. "What's the magic word?" He prompted innocently.

Quackity glared.

Tubbo giggled. "Even I know that. It's please!" He informed his cousin.

Quackity gritted his teeth. "Thanks Tubs." Then he turned back to face Wilbur.

"Just go get the coat, you-" he stopped, glancing at Tubbo, "stupid head..." He finished lamely.

Tubbo gasped at the language.

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