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Quackity POV:

Quackity had looked everywhere but there was no sign of Wilbur OR the attempted killer.

He'd had a brief moment of panic about finding Tubbo until he remembered that he was out at the tailor's with Angelica today.

He stopped at a column and stood for a moment, trying to get his mind around things.

Maybe Wilbur had circled back to where they were.

Quackity hoped he was ok.

The prince set off, tracing his footsteps back to the hallway his room was located. When he found it empty, he began to comb the nearby ones.

He was still wearing his cloak from the night before but he didn't want to stop to discard it, so he left it to billow behind him as he walked.

As he passed the library he thought he heard a snippet of Wilburs' voice so he ducked in, glancing around.

Quackity walked down a bookshelf aisle towards the sound and realized Wilbur was on the other side of the shelf, talking to someone in a hushed voice.

He shifted, peeking through the cracks in the dusty volumes, and saw that the person he was talking to was Creedin.

Confused, the prince quietened his breath and stood still, watching.

"-the money now, so I can disappear by nightfall." Wilbur was saying.

Creedin furrowed his brows. "Is it done?"

"Not yet, but it will be. I will stay to make sure, but then I go. So I need the money now." He said stiffly.

Creedin sighed. "I don't have it on me. Come to my office later. It's in a black satchel. Take it and leave. And after that, I trust you know that my employee never wants to hear from you again." He muttered darkly.

Creedin turned and left, looking around furtively before exiting the library quickly.

Wilbur stayed there, leaning back against the bookshelf and sighing deeply.

Quackity didn't stick around to watch.

He crept away, making it to the door and starting to run.

A lump had formed in his throat but he swallowed it away.

He'd had a thought a while ago, in the back of his mind, that maybe Wilbur had been paid to be his companion and/or spy on him. But at the time he'd pushed it away as ridiculous.

Now he knew he'd been right. Or at least, some form of it. He wasn't sure what Wilbur's deal was, but it wasn't genuine.

Working with Creedin? It surprised him of Wilbur, but then it struck him that he probably didn't really know him at all.

His mind spun, replaying every interaction they'd had, feeling oh so stupid for ever opening up to him.

Wilbur had probably written down every word he'd said and given it straight to Creedin.

But what had Creedin said? His Employer?

Quackity didn't know what was happening, but he knew where he might find some answers.

He found his way to Creedin's office in a dark and dingy part of the castle.

Usually, he avoided it at all costs because it was near the dungeons and always had a slight smell of mold.

He cracked open the door, marching in.

Creedin was nowhere to be seen, so he went straight to the desk, pushing things around and rifling through drawers.

What he found were letters, lots of them.

It seemed as if his brain was working slowly. Wading through thick confusion in an attempt to process what his eyes were trying to read.

He scanned the letters quickly, skimming them piece by piece and discarding one for another and another and another.

Wilbur wasn't there to spy on him.

Every word he read made his heart drop further, sinking into his stomach and making him feel sick.

He sat down heavily in the chair, clutching a crumpled letter.

His eyes had finally made it to the end of a letter.

His eyes stared blankly at the paper.

All of the letters were sealed with the royal seal of the Dreamsmp.

And all of them signed with the same signature.



(A/N: Bro Creedin is a fucking dumbass💀 But he IS convenient to the plot🤷)

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