゚。*+Happily ever after+*。゚

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♪⁠ ★"And even though, we barely know each other, it still hurts, watching him fade away..."☆♬

-Watching Him Fade Away(Mac DeMarco)


T.w: Death.

Quackity POV:

He was sat at the window, looking up at the stars with a soft smile on his lips.

They still felt warm. He gently touched them, feeling butterflies return as he thought about the night's past events.

The door clicked suddenly and he spun around, opening his mouth to make some witty remark about not missing Wilbur in the slightest, but he found it wasn't Wilbur who entered.

A different black-clad boy with a scarlet scarf stood there instead, his arms raised with a loaded crossbow resting in them. He looked far younger than Quackity had expected and it took him aback.

Only a few milliseconds later, Wilbur wrenched open the door and lunged inside, his eyes flicking conflictingly from the new arrival and Quackity.

Quackity sighed. "Why are there so many of you trying to kill me?" He exclaimed exasperatedly. "You'd think I'm annoying or something!"

It didn't lighten the mood.

Wilbur carefully walked closer to him, watching the weapon wielder the whole time.

"I can't let you do this." He said quietly to them.

The person refused to look at Wilbur, his eyes trained straight ahead at Quackity's own chest. His target.

"Tommy." Wilbur implored.

Quackity watched as the boy faltered for a moment, his eyes suddenly showing the scared kid behind them.

But then he closed his eyes, and when he opened them, they were determined.


Quackity POV:

He didn't even get a chance to form a thought before the crossbow fired.

He kept his eyes open, ready to stare death right in the face.

But he didn't get to.

Because once again he found himself gazing into those soft brown eyes.

Time stopped, and for that split second, he was loved. For that split second, everything was ok.

Then Wilbur crumpled to the ground.


♪⁠ ★"I would have moved out there to be with you, I would've moved out there for real."☆♬

-September (Sparky Deathcap)


Quackity POV:

The crossbow clanged to the ground, making Quackity look desperately back at Tommy, who was frozen in place, wide-eyed.

The boy let out a choked sob, starting forward and reaching out, but stopped, meeting Quackity's furious eyes.

Then he turned and he fled.

Quackity looked back to Wilbur, cradled in his arms.

"Hey, hey you're ok, you're fine!" He said frantically, shaking Wilbur slightly.

Wilbur coughed slightly and reached for Quackity's hand, trying to grip onto it, but finding it hard.

Quackity clutched it with both hands, searching around for something to stop the amounting blood. "We have to stop the bleeding and you'll be fine!"

"Quackity look at me," Wilbur said softly.

Quackity looked back to face him, holding his head in his arms. "Nonononono, NO! You can't leave me, not now!"

"That's three times I've saved your life." Wilbur teased faintly.

Quackity felt a tear roll down his nose.

"Why? You stupid man, why save me?"

Wilbur cocked his head and smiled. "You know why."

Quackity let out a sob, and Wilbur reached up to wipe a tear away.

"I would've gone y'know."


"When you asked if I'd run away with you. The answer was yes."

Quackity rested his head on Wilburs' chest, squeezing his eyes shut.

He opened them and looked into Wilburs' soft brown eyes one last time, finding nothing but warmth in their deadly gaze.

"You're going to make a great king," Wilbur whispered into his ear.

The prince felt him press something firmly into his hand and then let go.

Quackity kissed him gently, but his lips were cold.

With shaky fingers, he brushed Wilburs' fringe away and closed his eyes.

Then he completely and totally lost it.

He cried and screamed and sobbed into Wilburs' chest, beating the ground with his fists.

He cried until there were no tears left and then he simply lay there.

Staring at the ceiling, still holding Wilburs' limp hand.

It seemed hard to believe that only an hour ago, they were young, in love, and so very alive.

Now all that was left was numbness.

In the span of two weeks, he'd changed so much. He'd felt so much.

He probably had about half an hour before people looked for him.

So he just lay there, watching the sun slowly rise through his little window. The early birds chirped and he wondered how on earth the world kept on spinning. How life could just keep continuing on after this moment. But it did. And that was the only certainty in life.

And the truth was, all he wanted was for it to move on without him. To leave him here, with Wilbur, who couldn't go on with him.

How could he move forward in time when Wilbur's stopped here? How could everything outside his little window seem so calm and nice? When everything was so wrong?

He eventually forced himself to get up, staring blankly into space and walking slowly to the door.

By that time, guards were arriving. They had either noticed his absence or heard the ruckus and cane with re-enforcements.

Quackity pushed past them without speaking.

Because by now, the numbness was beginning to wear off and be replaced by a new feeling.



A/N: PSA this isn't the end, there's more to come😘

P.s: sorry. (No I'm not)

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