~➜⁾⁠⁾Sneaking Out 101~➜⁾⁠⁾

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Quackity POV:

He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't Wilbur's response.

Practically without hesitation, he just said, "Ok, yeah."

This took Quackity aback but he wasn't about to argue, so he just nodded. "Ok, uh great! Let's go then."

"Right now?"

"Nah, yesterday," Quackity said sarcastically.

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Hang on, let me get my shit together." He closed the door and Quackity heard him moving about and then his footsteps back to the door.

"Ok." He said, opening it again, holding a small satchel. "Im ready."

Quackity raised an eyebrow. "You sure? You don't want to pack your bed too?"

Wilbur scowled. "Not loving this attitude, maybe I won't come."

"No I need you to help me, I'm sorry."

Wilbur laughed. "Well, that's a first. The noble prince apologizing to one as lowly as me!"

"I lied. I'm not sorry." Quackity frowned and spun around, starting down the hall.

Wilbur laughed again and followed, quickly catching up.

Wilbur POV:

He followed after Quackity obediently, pretending as if he didn't know at least 10 escape routes from this place off the top of his head.

They found themselves at a window.

Wilbur peered down it. "Not loving our chances their Highness."

Quackity shot him a look. "I'm not planning on jumping out of it dumbass."

Wilbur opened his mouth to ask what then, he planned on doing, but Quackity held up a finger to shush him.

They waited a few more seconds in silence until a noise from outside came and Wilbur peered over the prince's shoulder to look downwards.

The outside guards were doing a swap over, conversing for a minute, until the old one left and the new one took his position.

Quackity turned to Wilbur with excitement. "We now have precisely half an hour before this guy goes around the other side of the castle. That's our chance." He whispered.

Then he pulled away from the window and walked quickly down the hallway, still talking.

"We still have to make it out of the castle though, and drop any security around here."

Just about as he said this, they turned a corner and bumped into a duo of guards that halted them.

"Are you going somewhere, your highness?" One of them asked roughly.

Quackity shook his head. "Oh no, I was actually just on my way back to my room. I'm feeling a little faint, and Wilbur here was just escorting me back." He lied smoothly.

The guards didn't seem to want to argue, but there was an obvious hole in this story.

"This isn't the way to your rooms, your highness." Said the other one, looking at Wilbur suspiciously.

"I'm new." He said in explanation, looking around as if to say 'Ah yes, silly me, this IS the wrong way!'

The guards looked back at the prince.

"I'm disoriented." Quackity shrugged.

The guards looked at each other.

Wilbur put an arm around the prince and steered him around.

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