~>\\Prisoner of War/⁠/<~

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Wilbur POV:

He stepped into his quarters and sighed, letting his coat fall from his shoulders and hit the floor without bothering to pick it up.

His room was modest but nice for a castle servant.

He kicked off his boots and sat on his small, rickety bed.

Bringing his favorite knife out of his deep pocket and grabbing a polishing cloth out of his singular drawer.

He set to work, even though he hadn't even used the knife yet.

That was something that was bugging him.

All of his efforts so far were almost...pathetic.

It wasn't like he was purposely trying to hold back, but it was as if he was subconsciously doing it.

But why?

Maybe his plan of 'getting closer' to Quackity was a bad idea. He never should have gotten this far.

He should have just slit his throat that first night and be done with it.

What was stopping him now?

All these questions seemed to have one answer, but he couldn't for the life of him figure it out.

Maybe it was the drowsiness in his brain that blocked the clarity of mind required to connect the dots.

All he knew for certain was that he needed to figure out a plan, a good one this time, that let him complete his task and he could go home with the money.

But he also knew he could never leave without knowing more. Without knowing why.

Curiosity killed the cat, isn't that right?

Good thing he wasn't a cat then.

A lightbulb suddenly lit up in his brain and he clicked.


Discreet, practically untraceable, it was the perfect weapon.

He just needed to get his hands on some, and he thought he knew where.


*One week earlier*

Schlatt POV:

He sat distastefully at the lone chair in the room.

He clasped his hand together, realised he had nowhere to put them, and let them fall to his sides again.

The started to open, and as it did, so did his mouth.

"Finally someone decided to grace me with their presence. I have been waiting in this hovel of a room- need to work on your hospitality by the way- really, what does it take to talk to the boss around here? I mean especially as a man in my position-"

He rambled on before being interrupted by the man that entered.


Schlatt was taken aback and managed to be quiet for about two seconds.

"I beg your-"


"Did you just shoosh me!? Do you know who I a-"

"Whoever you think you are, you are nothing here." Came the cold reply.

Schlatt blinked and took in the tall man before him.

He was dressed in the armour and uniform of a soldier, although he gave off the air of someone higher in rank than such.

Black hair roughly sprouted out from under his helmet and the light attempts at a beard betrayed his youth.

But it was his cold, piercing grey-blue eyes that made Schlatt re-evaluate his initial approach and stay quiet.

"You requested a presence with the king." The man spat more than spoke.

Schlatt cocked his head. "We are both aware, I'm sure, that I am no ordinary prisoner of war."

The man narrowed his eyes. "If it were normal circumstances, you would have been publicly executed by now."

"Yes well it's not normal circumstances, is it?"

The man sighed. "Against my better judgement...the king will see you in a couple of days. No earlier. You will remain in your cell until then."

The man opened the door and started to leave, but not before saying over his shoulder with pointed disdain, "And none of your tricks, 'your Highness' or our hospitality might not extend much further."

Schlatt smiled as he left, but it dropped somewhat when the door slammed behind him.

Spending a month rotting away in a cell was definitely not part of his plan.

He hadn't counted on the King's absence in a time of war.

It had taken a while for he himself to visit the battlefield in person. Responsibilities in the castle and whatnot. Someone had to handle the financials.

But what he'd heard of King Dream was that he was young and arrogant, so he had much assumed he would be present in the castle.

Unless the information he had been fed through his slivered cell door window was lies.

Yes, that was likely the case. Dream was probably sitting on his throne right now, making him wait just to taunt.

That was fine.

This wasn't a plan he had just conceived under the unfortunate circumstances of being captured at battle.

He was playing the long game.

So let Dream taunt. He would wait.

And he would have the last laugh.

*POV To be continued*

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