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(A/N: for some reason my chapter pictures aren't loading☹️🙄 can you guys see them?)


★"Forbidden things have a secret charm."☆


Quackity POV:

It was six days until his coronation.

The castle and everyone around him were in full flight of preparation.

Everyone except him.

He felt kind of helpless, like an accessory. Being prepared as if he were a decorative item to show off on the day.

He entered the ballroom and shut it, drowning out the hustle and bustle.

The extravagant, empty room made him think back to the masquerade ball.

Phantom people danced around him and he could almost hear the chit-chat and laughter.

He made his way over to the end of the long ballroom, approaching an overshadowed piano sitting untouched near the heavy curtains.

It was standing next to it that he had looked across the room and seen that tall man that had intrigued him so much.

Of course, now he knew who it was and most of the mysterious charm had worn off.


He sat down on the dark stool and hovered above the dusty keys with his fingers.

He'd taken piano lessons since he was ten, but he hadn't played in a while.

He took a deep breath and started to play.

Once he started, it was like his hands had a mind and memory of their own. He closed his eyes and let them fly over the keys.


Wilbur POV:

The castle never slept. There was always some noise echoing through the walls.

But Wilbur had never heard the melody drifting towards him now.

He hadn't even realised the place had a piano, but that was what it was.

It was beautiful too. Graceful, in an abrupt and sharp way.

He followed his ears quietly and found himself creaking open the large ballroom doors and slipping inside.

At the far end of the room sat the prince, facing away from him at the piano stool.

He must have been concentrating, because he didn't turn at the sound of Wilburs' footsteps on the smooth floor.

Wilbur got close enough to watch him, careful to not interrupt.

He looked so peaceful. Peaceful in a way Wilbur hadn't seen on his usually guarded face.

He imagined shooting an arrow straight through the back of that pretty head.

Pity to ruin that lovely piano though.

Quackity must have sensed these dark thoughts, as the music suddenly stopped and his head whipped around, along with his arm.

"What the-...sorry you scared me."

Wilbur groaned, winded. "That's fine"

He caught his breath again and leant against the piano.

"You play well." He offered.

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