。⁠:゚A/N ゚⁠:⁠。

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Its been a while :)

I got a sudden burst of motivation to finish this book off and here you have it folks.

The whole started as a tiny little scenario/vibe in my head while listening to a song but I had soooo much fun creating the overly intricate plotline haha.

(And reading your utterly betrayed comments was *chef's kiss*)

Obviously it's a bit tragic and not exactly the happy ending y'all would have wanted but I'm really happy with how the fic ended off, even if it leaves a few loose ends to the imagination.


Watch out for more stories coming soon(ish) and I hope you all enjoyed!!!


P.s: did you like the music and quotes and stuff at the top?? Bc if so I'll continue doing similar with my other works.

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