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Wilbur POV:

They entered the forest at a slow pace and Wilbur looked around in interest.

It was a very pretty place in the daylight. Light shone through gaps in the leaves and the birds made note of their presence with sweet songs.

But the treetops were dense, and the thin path wove its way like a snake between trees in a deceptive way.

When darkness fell, Wilbur wouldn't want to be here.

One could get easily lost.

He looked up at Quackity who rode a few yards in front of him, expertly manoeuvering the reigns.

As they approached a pass Wilbur glanced up and noticed a large rock precariously sitting on the edge of the small cliff on their right.

With a small encouragement, he was sure it could be convinced to fall.

He reached his hand into his coat and grabbed a throwing knife.

He hoped his aim was as good moving as it was on steady ground.

Quackity suddenly turned to talk to him and he quickly hid it behind his back

"You keeping up?" He called smugly.

"With you? No. I'm enjoying nature and keeping up with my spiritual health." He said, taking an exaggerated deep breath.

Quackity laughed and turned around again, but slowed down so as to not be as far ahead.

Wilbur stopped suddenly, waited until the prince was a fair way in front again, then started to creep forward.

He watched and waited until Quackity was just in the right spot and aimed his knife.

He squinted and threw it with precision and skill.

It hit the bottom of the boulder and made it wobble and teeter at the edge.

Just as it began to fall, Quackity abruptly started to gallop and it completely and utterly missed him.

He turned around in alarm at the sound of it crashing to the ground.

"Oh shit! Are you ok? That could have hit you!" He called.

"Woah, yeah I'm fine." Wilbur acted surprised.

"Fucking damn it" He muttered to himself.

Quackity rode back a bit. "You're just lucky I guess. Anyway, I wanted to show you this part of the forest. It's pretty cool!"

Wilbur urged his horse into a faster speed -despite its grunts of disapproval- and caught up with the prince.

"Yup. Lucky."

They entered a wider clearing surrounding an old well and dismounted.

"I love this spot." Admitted Quackity.


"Yeah, why?"

"Well, it just doesn't seem like the sort of place that would attract you." He approached the well and looked down its dingy hollow center. "I mean it's not exactly the fountain of youth."

"I like it. It's a wishing well apparently."

That made sense. Now that he looked properly he could see a few glints of gold and silver from the bottom.

"Fair enough." He said, then he turned to Quackity. "Well, are you going to make a wish?"

He shrugged. "Nah, I don't have a-"

Wilbur flicked him a coin. "Go on." He offered.

Quackity POV:

He caught the coin and looked at it, considering. "Alright." He said.

Quackity approached the well and closed his eyes, clamping the coin tightly in his fist before letting it fall down into the depths with the metallic sound of it hitting the sides echoing up to reach them.

"Whimsical." Said Wilbur amusedly.

Quackity sighed and looked up at the gaps of sunlight.

"We better head back." He acknowledged.

They walked back over to their horses and re-mounted.

As they started back in the direction of the castle Quackity felt a rush of gratitude for the company he seldom found.

It was nice having someone in the castle (relatively) happy to see him.

"So, what'd you wish for?" Wilbur asked, riding next to him.

"Can't tell you. That's like, wish-making 101."

Wilbur groaned beside him and thought for a moment. "Ok, what if it was a different well, in a different place, and a different wi-"

"Well that's just it, isn't it?" Quackity interjected. "Different well, different place...that'd be my wish."

"You'd wish to be someone else?"

Quackity sighed. "No, not someone else just... somewhere else. Sometimes I wish I could just run away and...I don't know...live my life? Before I'm condemned to rotting away in that castle."

"Huh. What's stopping you?"

This question took Quackity aback. He supposed there was lots. His duty, responsibilities, his throne. And he couldn't abandon Tubbo. But if he was gone would he even have to worry about any of that?

"I'm not entirely sure. I have people I can't leave behind I guess."

Wilbur nodded. "Yeah, I get that..." He looked solemn so Quackity didn't push him on the subject.

They fell into silence and he rode ahead again.

Wilbur POV:

He still had two throwing knives left, so he brought another one out.

Quackity called back to him. "Can you get that horse to go any faster? We want to get there before sundown."

Wilbur aimed, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Horse? I'm still not sure this isn't a donkey."

But Hugo must have heard him, and he suddenly sat down, sending Wilbur tumbling to the ground and the knife flying in the wrong direction, embedding itself in a tree trunk.

Quackity turned and laughed. "Told you. Temperamental."

Wilbur sighed and leaned his head back onto the leafy ground.

This was ridiculous.

He got up and eventually coerced Hugo up, remounting. Again.

He considered using his last knife but with his luck today, it would probably catch a gust of wind and come back to hit him like a boomerang.

So instead he just rode back to the castle, eyeing the prince.

Maybe he had some bad luck, but this prince's luck had to run out soon.

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