༶⁠ ✿⁠Will I See You Again? ✿༶⁠

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Quackity POV:

The morning came, and with it, the sun, peeking intrusively through the curtains.

Quackity squinted and groaned, not emotionally ready to leave his dishevelled bed.

His head felt heavy and his thoughts blurred by sleep.

He thought about the night before, wondering how Tubbo enjoyed his shitty birthday. He hadn't seen him since the start of the night.

He grimaced thinking about the conversation with Collin.

Suddenly the memory crossed his mind of that man he'd danced with, Wilbur, and he immediately felt mortified.

He played over the conversations they'd had and groaned again as he told himself silently that he was never to talk to someone when tipsy again.

Maybe it hadn't been that bad...and he'd probably never see him again, so what was the harm?

He couldn't believe he'd flirted with him.

Although... it was dumb but the thought came to him that maybe his slightly drunk, romantic persona may have altered the usually abrasive and antagonistic impression he felt people often got.

It didn't matter now, however.

He sighed and sat up, stretching.

Sleepily pulling on a shirt and some pants, Quackity grabbed his sword from the corner of his large room and equipped it to his belt.

He thought he would get in some sword practice early before there were too many people about.

He yawned and stepped out of his doors quietly, so as to not wake up Tubbo, who was in the room just down the hall.

He nodded at the occasional staff moving quickly by as they went on their way with errands and jobs until one person out of the corner of his eye made him do a double take.

"Your highness." Said a deep voice twisted with slight amusement.

Oh my god.

"You!" Quackity said stupidly. "I mean, what are you doing here?"

He couldn't help drinking in the details of Wilbur's face he hadn't had the chance to examine the night before in the dim lighting -and the fact that his face had been partially obscured by a mask.

He felt Wilbur doing the same, although with a notably different expression on his features.

"I found work here."

Quackity blinked. "Oh, right. That's good I guess."

"Thanks 'I guess'," Wilbur responded mockingly.

Quackity scoffed. "Well, now I'm not sure if you're welcome."

Wilbur raised an eyebrow, then he indicated to his basket of laundry that Quackity hadn't noticed he was carrying. "While you debate that, I have a job to do."

"I'm not stopping you...whatever your name is." Quackity snapped back as if he didn't know exactly what this guy's name was.

Wilbur shrugged and started on his way. "Well, truly charmed to see you again your Highness. An honour." He said sarcastically.

"Go fuck yourself." Quackity went to call over his shoulder, but saw Creedin coming down the hall and petered off sheepishly, closing his mouth.

He did however, catch a very weird look that Wilbur made as he too saw Mr. Creedin.

Quackity didn't linger to ask why though, instead heading down the stairs towards the courtyard without another backwards glance.


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