✪⁠)-Revenge-(⁠✪ (Prt 2)

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Quackity POV:

"Your highness!"

Quackity turned to greet the Guard running up to him.

"Your horse is prepared in the stables when you need it!"

"Thank you." Quackity glanced at the portrait clutched in his hand. It would have to wait. "I leave now."

"Where are you going? I'll alert the knights."

"No. I'm going alone."

"Sire, the coronation is tomorrow, is it really wise to-"

"This won't take long. Don't tell anyone that I've left..." He looked at the guard expectantly.

"Er, Ranboo sire."

Quackity patted him on the shoulder. "Tell anyone and you'll never see the inside of this castle again." He said distractedly, moving past.

"Uh...yes sire." The guard gulped.


Quackity POV:

Before he left, he returned to his room to retrieve the axe from above his bed.

He spun it around in his hand and admired it for a second before attaching it to his hip and leaving the castle.

He took not only his horse, but also a falcon from the royal Aviary.

He let it fly up and scout ahead while he rode.

Truth was he didn't know where Dreams army was, and how close to the castle they had travelled yet.

So he travelled slowly and followed the Falcon, who seemed to know where to go somehow.

Which was reassuring, he thought, glancing up. Because it meant from up there the army was visible, so not too far away.

Still, it was nightfall before he crested a hill and saw the dotted lights of Dreams army camping for the night.

Although the moon had risen, it's light kept the night clear and bright, meaning there was no way of sneaking in shadows.

He'd simply have to get captured.

Easy enough. It was staying alive when he was probably the number one person on their 'kill-on-sight' list that was the hard part.

He slid over the rock he had been hiding behind and crept into the camp.

Immediately a whistle sounded, alerting every sleeping soldier to an intruder.

One of them crawled out a tent near him, yawning.

"If it's a fucking rabbit again I swear to gods." he grumbled, before noticing Quackity standing there and gaping.

"Holy shit-"

Quackity backed away from him before he could properly react, but immediately bumped into another soldier.

"Oh. Hey." He said casually.

The soldiers looked perplexed.

"Should we take him to the King?" The first one asked.

"I guess so?" Said the other one.

"Yes, take me to your King!" Quackity nodded.

"Maybe it's a trap though. I mean, he did just walk in here..."

Quackity sighed. "Nope, not a trap just take me to Dream."

"I say we kill him now." Said the second guy. "Shifty little guy."

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