Chapter 19

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3rd Person POV

Flashback Continues

Chen Wen Hao stands near the river bank, waiting for Tang Guo Dong. He had gotten a message from him to wait here. A few minutes had passed when Tang finally arrived. Chen turned to look at him. 

"It's about time you showed up." He said in a joking manner. 

Tang Guo Dong chuckled. He sat on the step behind him and pulled out a cigarette.

"So, what're we going to do? Give me the details." Chen Wen Hao said.

Tang Guo Dong pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarette, taking a puff before speaking.

"We're going to meet with the enemy clan. We've found some of their people on our territory. They have been doing some suspicious activity. We'll have the meeting at an old warehouse. We will confront Anurak about it."

(A/N: I just found a random name for the enemy leader.)

"Hm, it's good we're confronting him. Nobody should be doing anything on our territory except us. We'll show them who's boss." Chen Wen Hao said laughing.

Tang Guo Dong then stood up and went next to Chen Wen Hao's side.

"Chen, I think after this is over, you should leave the group."

Chen Wen Hao looked at Tang Guo Dong confused and surprised.

"Huh? What're you saying? You know I have a family to provide for. I-"

"That's why I think you should leave. You have a wife and kid. By being in the group, you could be risking their lives. It won't be an easy process for you to leave, but I'll find a way. I'll even help you find a better and safer job."

Chen Wen Hao sighed.

"Tang, I've been a part of the group for so many years. This is the only life I've known. There's no way that I'd be able to survive in a different life. I have to stay here to provide for Li Zhen and my son. Besides, I know how everything works in this life and I know how to be careful."

Tang Guo Dong sighed. He expected it to be hard to convince his friend to leave this life. Chen Wen Hao places his hand on Tang Guo Dong's shoulder.

"Don't worry so much I'll be fine. Let's get going now. You sometimes remind me of Li Zhen."

Tang Guo Dong's nerves are still up but he agrees and they head to the cars to get to the meeting spot.


They arrive at the warehouse and are greeted by Anurak's people. They lead Tang Guo Dong and his people inside, walking through a long hallway and to an area where Anurak was sitting at a table, his men standing behind him. As he saw Tang Guo Dong walk in, he stood up with a smile.

"Mr. Tang welcome. Please have a seat."

Tang Guo Dong sat across from Anurak, having his friendly face on.

"So, Mr. Tang, I was quite surprised to hear a call from you. I must admit you were quite vague about why you called this meeting. Is there something you need my help with?"

"Well not quite Mr. Anurak. In fact, my situation involves your people."

"My people?" Anurak rubbed his chin like he was thinking of something. "Would you care to elaborate on that? I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding."

Tang Guo Dong smiled.

"Well, it's just that my people have reported seeing your people on our territory. And they've seen some suspicious activity. It seems that a certain someone has forgotten our previous agreement."

Tang Guo Dong stood up which made Anurak's people pull out their guns and point at him. Anurak signaled them to stop and lower their weapons. His people complied and put their weapons away. Tang Guo Dong leaned closer to Anurak across the table.

"I thought we had an indefinite agreement. I won't intervene in your territory as long as you don't intervene with mine. Seeing your people made me think that you want to take over. Do you believe that I would stand idly by as you and your people try to take over my territory? I promise you if anything like this happens again, I won't hesitate to attack. Understood?"

Anurak's eyes went dark but a smile was still on his face.

"I understand Mr. Tang. This won't happen again; I swear to you."

"Then, I believe we're done here."

Tang Guo Dong signaled to his people and they all walked out.

"Do you think they'll really stay off our territory?" Chen Wen Hao whispered in Tang Guo Dong's ear.

"I'm not sure. We'll have to keep a closer eye out. We-"


Gunshots went off which made everyone pull out their weapons and fire back. Chen takes Tang and they start running and firing back. They duck behind some crates on the opposite ends of the room. Chen Wen Hao sees Tang Guo Dong being sprayed with bullets as he fires back at the enemy. When the bullets stop for a moment, Chen Wen Hao rushes to his side and they both start firing. When the enemy fires back they duck back down.

"Wait until they reload again, then we'll head for the exit." Chen Wen Hao says.

The bullets stop and the two men get up and run to the exit. Bullets flew past them as they managed to get outside. Waiting outside was Anurak pointing a gun at Tang Guo Dong.

"TANG LOOK OUT." Chen Wen Hao shouts and pushes him out of the way.

Anurak fires three times and hits Chen Wen Hao in the stomach. Tang Guo Dong fires at Anurak and hits him in the shoulder. Anurak shouts in pain, making him drop his gun and run away. Tang Guo Dong rushes to Chen Wen Hao and tries to stop the bleeding.

"You're going to be ok, just hang on."

"Tang promise me something-" Chen Wen Hao groans out.

"Stop talking, save your energy."

Chen Wen Hao clutches on Tang Guo Dong's arm with all the strength he has left.

"Promise me, if I don't make it, please make sure my family is taken care of."

Tang Guo Dong shook his head, "Don't say that, you're going to make it. You'll see your family again. You're going to be ok."

Tang suddenly gets a call and sees that it's one of his people. He answers it.

"Sir, the enemy has retreated. We're heading to the exit now."

"Get the car quickly, we have someone injured."

"Yes sir."

The call ends and Tang focuses back on Chen.

"You're going to be ok."

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