Chapter 23

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The Next Morning

Tang Yi's POV

The sun was beaming through my bedroom windows and yet I was still in bed and looking over a sleeping Shao Fei. I have to admit, it may be a little creepy watching him sleep but he did look cute. I moved closer to him and placed a small kiss on his forehead. He started moving in his sleep and I saw his eyes opening and looking directly into mine.

"Good morning." I spoke softly giving him a small smile.

"Morning." He said in a sleepy voice smiling.

He moved closer to me, placing his head on my shoulder. I raised my hand and started stroking his hair as he snuggled into my neck. I have to admit, this is the best feeling I've ever felt.

"Is there anything you want to do today?"

He shook his head. He moved his face from my neck and looked at me smiling.

"I just want to relax for today."

I smiled at him and pulled him closer, placing a quick kiss on his lips. "Me too. I going to make us some breakfast."

I removed myself from him, getting up from the bed. Shao Fei got up as well and followed me out. We both headed downstairs to the kitchen. I went to the fridge and got all of the ingredients from the fridge. I started cutting up some vegetables when I felt Shao Fei come behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Let me help you with breakfast."

"Sure. Crack some of these eggs and mix them up."

It was nice cooking together. I enjoyed watching Shao Fei looking so focused when he's cooking. I guess working in his mom's restaurant gave him some experience in the kitchen. He looked up from his work for a moment and saw me looking at him.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He raised his hand to his cheek and started wiping it. I stopped his hand.

"There's nothing. I just like looking at how focused you look when you're working. You look so cute."

He smiled and looked away, but I could see him blushing. We both went back to cooking. When everything was done, we plated up everything and went to the dining room. We sat down and started eating, just talking about random things.

"How about when we get done, we can go for a walk." Shao Fei said.

"Sure, it's nice out today. A walk would be nice." 

We finished up eating and Shao Fei offers to clean the dishes. When he got done with them, we got our shoes and headed outside. We walked around the house just talking, being lost in our own little world. I noticed Shao Fei looking at the bodyguards all around the area watching us. I'm used to it but I'm not sure about Shao Fei.

"Do the bodyguards make you uncomfortable." I asked him.

"A little, but I'll get used to it sooner or later. At least I'm with you." He said and took my hand.

Suddenly one of the guards started coming towards us. Shao Fei and I noticed him.

"Wait here." I said and walked towards him. "What is it?"

"Sir would like to see you in his office."

I nodded and sent him off. I walked back to Shao Fei.

"What is it?" Shao Fei asked.

"My dad wants to see me. You can go back to my room if you want."

He nodded and we both headed back in. He went to my room while I went to my dad's office. I knocked and heard him say to come in. 

"Dad, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

He sighed and leaned back into his chair.

"It's about Lhong. I have the men tracking him down and also keeping an eye on the enemy's territory. It's only a precaution in case they try to make a move again. So far there's no sign of him but we have a plan when we catch him."

"What're we going to do?"

"When we catch him, we plan on getting information from him about their territory. We'll infiltrate their territory and take them down once and for all. But there's also something else I need to tell you."

"What else is there?"

"I believe I know who our mole is."

Now that shocked me. "Really, who?"

"It's the head guard, but I need to be sure. So, make sure you keep an eye out for anything. Come to me if you see anything."

"Ok, I will. But if you go to infiltrate their territory, I want to go with you. I want to make sure that this whole thing ends once and for all. I want to see it for myself. I want to see Lhong get what he deserves."

He went silent for a moment. I could see he was thinking it over.

"Ok, you can come with us. But when it happens, I want you to be careful. I can't let anything happen to you. Otherwise, your boyfriend would kill me." 

I chuckled at the last part. "Ok, I will."

"That's all you can leave."

I nodded and left the office and headed to my room. I admit, I was a bit surprised that he agreed to let me go. I walked in my room and saw Shao Fei lying in bed. He looked up at me with a concerned face.

"What happened?"

I sat next to him and took his hand.

"My dad told me about Lhong. He said they're tracking him now. When they get him, they're going to get information from him about their territory and infultrate them. We're going to end this once and for all."

"Wait, we? Are you going too? It's too dangerous. What if something happens? What if everything goes wrong? What if you get hurt? What if-"

"Shao Fei calm down." I held his face and made him look at me. He still had the concerned look on him.

"I want to face Lhong and stop him. I don't want him or anyone else to hurt you. I want everything to stop once and for all."

I could see that he's lost in thought. "I'm just worried about you. I don't want him to hurt you."

I placed a kiss on his forehead. "I'll be fine. When we're done with this and we go legit, we'll have a normal life. We don't have to worry about any of this, ok?"

Shao Fei nodded. "Just be careful and make sure you come back in one piece." He said pointing a finger in my face.

I chuckled at him. "I promise I'll come back in one piece. For now, let's just enjoy the rest of the day."

Shao Fei nodded. "Ok. Do you want to watch a movie?"

I nodded. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, scrolling through all the movies until he found one. He pressed play and I pulled him close and he cuddled close to him. I know that later on I have to deal with Lhong and handle every single crazy thing coming but for now, I just wanted to spend some quality time with Shao Fei.

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