Chapter 27

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2:00 AM

Shao Fei's POV

I was anxiously pacing around the room waiting for Tang Yi to come back. I constantly checked my phone for the time and it was going on 2:00 in the morning. I assumed that these kinds of things would take a while to get situated, but I was getting really worried. What if something happened? What if everything went wrong?

Just a few hours ago when they first left, my mom came in the room to check on me. I guess that she could sense that I was extremely nervous for Tang Yi. We talked for a little while which calmed me down a little before she realized it was getting late and left so I could get some sleep.

But I couldn't sleep. I could feel myself being tired, but I couldn't close my eyes. I sat down at the end of the bed and fell back, putting my arm over my face and letting out a long sigh.

'Tang Yi is tough. He can handle himself. He can handle this. He's smart enough to know what to do.' I thought to myself, trying to calm myself down.

Then I heard car noises from outside in the driveway. I jumped up and ran to the window to see all the cars filled with bodyguards that left with Tang Yi. Even with the dim lighting outside, I looked through the crowd and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Tang Yi. I watched as everyone started to head inside.

I ran to the door and headed into the hallway just as I saw Tang Yi make it to the top of the stairs. We both made eye contact and I could see the shock in his eyes. I rushed towards him and pulled him into a hug. I felt as his arms wrapped around me, squeezing me tight. I don't know how long we stood there, but I didn't want to let go.

Eventually we both pulled away to be face to face.

"Why are you still awake? I expected you to be asleep at this time." Tang Yi said.

"I couldn't sleep. I was worried about you." I told him.

Tang Yi smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards the room. He closed the door behind us and suddenly pulled me into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back.

We eventually pulled apart and I smiled at him. He pulled me towards the bed and laid us both down. I placed my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I take it that everything went well."

Tang Yi nodded his head, "Yeah. I'm surprised that it did. We've got everything that we need."

I looked up at him and smiled, "I'm happy to hear that. So, what happens next?"

Tang Yi looked down at me, his fingers running through my hair in a comforting manner.

"Now, we have to make a plan on how we infiltrate their territory and take them down. We have all the information we need to do it but we need to be careful about it. We also have to make sure what Lhong told us is true. Otherwise, all of this would be for nothing."

"And Lhong? What's going to happen to him?" I asked.

Tang Yi just looked at me, looking as if he's unsure if he should tell me what's going to happen to him. I'm aware of how Tang Yi felt about Lhong, not only with what he did to me, but even before all of those events happening. They're both enemies so they've never liked each other in the first place. But my curiosity got the best of me and I don't want Lhong to hurt Tang Yi or anybody in that matter.

"Lhong will be under our surveillance. We'll make sure he doesn't try to run and go into hiding again or even go back to the enemy territory. You don't have to worry about him anymore."

Then Tang Yi pulled me closer, his expression suddenly changing as he smiled at me.

"But let's not focus on that now. Now I want to take a shower and get some sleep with my boyfriend."

He lifted my chin and placed a quick kiss on my lips before getting up and heading to the bathroom. As I was waiting for him, I thought back to all that we went through. Knowing about what kind of life Tang Yi was living in and about what happened to my father, I admit it was a lot to take in but I'm glad that hopefully it'll all be over soon. I'm glad that I had not only Tang Yi but my mom and Zhao Zi along side of me to get through everything. Tang Yi said that he wanted to live a normal life with me and I want the same as well.

Eventually Tang Yi came out the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. I watched as he got dressed and eventually came to the bed and laid down next to me. I moved closer to him, laying my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. I felt myself drifting to sleep and slowly closed my eyes.

I'm not sure if this was my imagination or not but I heard Tang Yi softly saying "I love you". Either way, I smiled to myself and fell asleep in my boyfriend's arms.

(A/N: Hello dear readers, I hope you enjoyed the story so far. I would like to announce that this story is close to the end. I would like to thank everyone who's read, voted, and saved this story. I greatly appreciate it. I hope you have a good day. 💖)

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