Chapter 21

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3rd Person POV

Tang Yi and Shao Fei eventually go back inside. As they were walking down the hallway, they saw Jack and Zhao Zi talking to each other. Zhao Zi spotted them first and rushed towards Shao Fei and hugged him.

"A' Fei are you alright? You just rushed out of there. I was so worried. I wanted to go after you, but Jack stopped me."

Shao Fei smiled and patted him on the back.

"I'm fine now. I just needed a moment." he said and looked over at Tang Yi who grinned back.

Zhao Zi pulled away from the hug and inspected Shao Fei expression.

"Are you sure you're alright?" 

Shao Fei nodded, "I'm sure. I just need to talk to my mom alone. There's just a lot to discuss."

Zhao Zi nodded, understanding his friend. Even just listening to the whole story of Shao Fei's dad made him shocked enough as a bystander. He couldn't imagine what he would feel if the same thing happened to him with a family member.

"I'll wait right here for you." Tang Yi said and patted Shao Fei's shoulder in encouragement.

Shao Fei smiled at him and gave his hand a small squeeze before letting go and heading back to the room. Tang Yi watched as Shao Fei walked away, a slight nervousness was creeping up inside him. Jack could see the change in emotions in Tang Yi's eyes.

"So, what's going to happen between you two? You guys seemed fine." Jack said.

Tang Yi shrugged, "I don't know. But whatever Shao Fei decides to do next, I'll accept it."

Tang Yi knew his words were true, but he was still nervous about what would happen next. He was afraid of Shao Fei leaving him. Even after their talk on the roof, he was still afraid that Shao Fei would get up and leave his life. He sat down and waited for Shao Fei to come back.

Shao Fei got to the room when the door opened and out walked Tang Guo Dong. There was an awkward silence between them as they stood there and stared at each other. Then Tang Guo Dong gave him a small nod and walked past him.

"I don't blame you." Shao Fei called out, which made Tang Guo Dong stop and turn to look at him surprised. Shao Fei saw his expression and continued.

"I don't blame you about my dad's death. With what you said, it's not your fault. You tried to get him out of that life but he refused. I guess my dad just wanted to protect his friend. You even tried to save him, which means that you actually cared about him. I don't know if I should say this but thank you for trying to save him. I just wish I could've met him."

Tang Guo Dong gave him a small smile.

"Your dad was a good person. He just wanted to provide for his family like any loving father would. He also made a good kid."

He nodded to him and walked off.

Shao Fei looked towards the door and entered the room. As he walks in, Li Zhen looks up in surprise, but doesn't say anything. Shao Fei walks towards the bed and sits beside it. He places his hand on top of hers.

"Mom, we need to talk."

Li Zhen sighs.

"I was afraid this would happen." she muttered to herself. She's been expecting this talk to happen sooner or later. She turned to face Shao Fei and took his hands into hers.

"Shao Fei, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything that happened. I'm sorry for keeping the truth about your father a secret from you. All I wanted to do was protect you and not want you to get involved. But I guess fate had different plans and you got involved anyway. I understand if you're angry with me. But I'm so sorry."

Shao Fei moved onto the bed and pulled into a hug, avoiding her wound and rubbing her back in a comforting motion. Li Zhen was surprised, but hugged back.

"I know mom. I know that you just wanted to protect me. I was just a kid. I also want to thank you for all the years that you took care of me. But you don't have to protect me anymore. I can be responsible with myself. You can finally take a break."

A few tears slipped out of Li Zhen's eyes. She held Shao Fei tighter and smiled.

"Even though you're getting older, to me you're still going to be my boy."

Shao Fei chucked at her remark. He then remembers he needed to say something else, so he pulled away from the hug.

"Mom, there's something else I need to say."

Li Zhen nodded, "What is it sweetheart?"

"I want to stay together with Tang Yi."

Li Zhen looks at him in shock. Shao Fei notices her expression.

"I know what you're thinking and I know about Tang Yi's life, but I really like him and want to stay with him. I know I'll have to take extra precautions when I'm with him, but he's a really good person when you get to know him. I just don't want our relationship to end when we haven't really begun."

"You really care about him, don't you?" 

Shao Fei smiled and nodded.

"He seems to care about you too." Li Zhen thought back to how Tang Yi's first reaction to Shao Fei leaving the room was to go after him.

"Yeah, he does." Shao Fei thought back to all those times together with Tang Yi. How he would always check up on him if he looked down or helped him out in little ways like give him rides home after work or pay for lunch whenever he was short on money.

"Now if you two are going to be together, there's a few things I have to say."

Shao Fei was confused but nodded. Li Zhen took his hand.

"I want you two to take care of and love each other, be careful whenever you two go out, and if anything like this happens again to you, I will personally murder him and not even his father will be able to stop me. You got all that?"

Shao Fei laughs, "Yes mom. I'll be sure to tell Tang Yi that as well."

Li Zhen chuckled and pulled him into another hug.

"There's also one more thing."

"What is it?" Shao Fei asked and pulled away to come face to face with her.

"Tang Guo Dong offered us to stay at his home for safety. He says that there's a chance that the enemy may know where we live. He also said he could provide us with security whenever we're out in public. I told him I'll think about it. What do you think? Are you fine with this?"

Shao Fei thought for a moment. It would possibly be uncomfortable to live in a house that was also home to a mafia organization. But he would also be able to spend time with Tang Yi as well. But he would also be secretly followed by a bunch of men for security. But then again, he would be with Tang Yi.

"Yeah, I'm fine with that." Shao Fei said.

Li Zhen nodded, "We'll go after I get better. For now, you should get some sleep. It's been a long day and it's late."

Shao Fei nodded. He helped Li Zhen lay back down in bed and get her comfortable. He then went to the small couch that was in the room and laid down. He never realized how tired he was and felt himself drifting to sleep. He thought about how soon he would be in Tang Yi's house spending time with him and fell asleep smiling to himself.

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