Hair gel

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He looked both ways before stepping out his room, a red jacket placed over his head, covering his hair. He desperately hoped to not to bump into anyone.

Kai couldn't find his hair gel, the thing that kept his hair looking good. He sighed as he closed his door behind him, silently praying that nobody was home.

'It's rather quiet this morning.'
He thought to himself as he walked down the corridor with his jacket still over his hair.
' If anyone is here I hope they don't notice. I swear if Jay has touched my hair gel again, I'm actually going to kill him this time.'
He reached out and opened the door to the bathroom, it wasn't exactly his favourite place to be.
His face lit up as his eyes landed on a hair gel tub. However, picking it up he groaned. It was light, which meant it was most likely empty. He put the tub down and walked out the room, disgusted at the smell.

He shut the door behind him and walked off down the corridor again, this time back to his bedroom.
He sighed as he flopped face first into his bed, annoyed that he had to go buy more hair gel, he sat up and walked over to his dresser throwing clothes on his bed. He didn't really want to dress up much today. He pulled out a pair of beige cargo pants, along with a white t-shirt, red hoodie and trainers.

'I really hope no one see's me like this.'
He continued to think as he pulled his tshirt over his head. 'Especially Cole."
He really didn't want his crush to see him looking like an absolute mess. He slipped his jacket over his shoulders and turned to the mirror, 'christ' he thought.
'I don't even look like myself.'
Considering his hair was down, fluffy for once, and he wasn't in his usual skinny jeans and printed T-shirts. He looked, Very different. He sighed again, pushing his black sunglasses over his eyes, making himself more unrecognisable as he covered the scar on his face.
He swung his leg over his motorcycle, turning the engine off and shoving the silver keys into his pocket as he walked into the store. He suddenly heard a voice he knew as he walked into the hair and beauty isle.

"Oh my god Cole just tell them before I tell them for you!! Its super obvious anyway!" Jays voice beamed loudly, catching Kai's attention.

'Huh, what are they doing here?'
Kai watched as some of his friends continued to talk infront of the product he wanted. He would normally of said hi, but right now, his hair was rather messy, and he didn't want his friends to see it. Zane glanced over at him and then back to his teammates. Kai deadpanned at this, as he realised he hasn't noticed who he was.
'Seriously? Zane of all people doesn't recognise me? Actually I can have a little fun with this. Being as they don't recognise me.'
He looked away pretending to be interested in a product on a shelf near by, listening in on their conversation.

"Cole come onnn tell them!" Jay pleaded, desperately trying to usher something out of Cole.

Lloyd just stared at them confused. "Zane, do you know what they're talking about?"

Zane shrugged in response. "I'm not entirely sure Lloyd, I think it may be something personal to Cole as he appears to be embarrassed?"

Jay piped up again. "Cole come on they're our friends! And they might be able to help you out!"

Kai listened intently. 'What's this secret Cole has?must be something important if he's worried about telling them.' Kai picked up a shampoo bottle infront of him, pretending to read the contents on it whilst listening.

"Okay fine!" Cole whisper yelled. Slightly embarrassed, he looked at Lloyd and Zane. "I have a damn crush on Kai."

Jay Shook Cole's shoulders excitedly, "Finally!"

"I didn't know you was homosexual brother." Zane smiled.

Cole smiled back, awkwardly. "Uh, yeah." He answered, scratching the back of his head.

Lloyd just chuckled a little. "I already knew that Cole, your Crush on him is really obvious!"

Zane chipped back in. "I suppose that would explain why your heart rate gets faster when kai is around Cole, thank-you  for sharing this information with us!"

Kai's eyes blew wide. His face was almost as red as his jacket. He dropped the shampoo bottle he was holding, gaining the attention of his friends.

"Sir, are you alright your heart rate went up by 2.05 just now." Zane said, resting a hand on Kai's shoulder.
Kai looked over to where Zane was, his face still red. "Your temperature is unusually high, would you like some ice?"

Kai reached up to his face taking his sunglasses off. "I'm fine Zane, just a little surprised."
Kai had spoken without thinking, slapping a hand over his own mouth. 'Shit.'

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at Kai. Cole could feel his face starting to go red as he had just said that, infront of kai!

"Oh I'm sorry Kai, i had not realised it was you." Zane patted his shoulder and stood back over with Lloyd.

Jay just smirked. "Guess cats out the bag now~." He chuckled, nudging Cole forward towards the red ninja.
The freckled boy then pulled Lloyd and Zane around the corner, so that they could be alone.

"Uh.. so what's with the different look?" Cole asked nervously.

"I didn't have any Hair gel left." Kai answered.

"So Uhm.. is that true? You really have a crush on me?" He glanced at Cole, who was playing with his fingers.
The earth elemental looked into Kai's eyes nervously, Kai staring back into his green ones, waiting for an answer to his previous question. "Cole?"

"O-oh , yes Uhm, it's True." Cole sighed still playing with his fingers.

"Really!?" Kai's eyes lit up excitedly staring up at Cole.

"Y- yeah," Cole stared back down at Kai. The fire elemental then pulled Cole into a tight hug.

"It's nice to know you feel the same way." Kai muttered out, his words being muffled into Cole's Shirt.

Cole was stunned for a moment. He then brought his arms up, hugging Kai back. He was now more nervous than he was previously.
"Uhm.. would you like to go on a date later?" The black ninja asked, his voice shaking a bit.

Kai backed away from the hug, blushing like an idiot. "Yes ofcourse!" He beamed.
"But I really do need that hair gel now if that's the case."

Cole just Chuckled. "You and your hair gel."

"Whatt it's an important product!"Kai looked at the different gel labels until he found the one he wanted. "Aha!" He said, grabbing two tubs. He turned back towards Cole.
"I'll see you later handsome." He winked, standing onto his tiptoes and gently placing a kiss onto Cole's cheek, before heading off to go pay.

Cole just stood there, his face turning redder by the second. He watched as Kai walked out of the store, clutching the tubs of hair gel.

Thanks a lot if you got this far!

I am currently editing through chapters, so if the writing style changes or if this is different then before, that's why!

This is based off of someone else's story, but I can't remember the author so just letting you know.

Have a nice day/night! <3

1249 words

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