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3rd person pov

Cole won't lie, Kai likes to flirt a lot. Being his boyfriend that was normal though? Right? Yeah. So why wasn't he able to flirt back? Why couldn't he think of anything to say back to the brunette? He almost felt like it wasn't fair on Kai, that he had to initiate almost all of their kisses, initiate almost any kind of affection really. Why couldn't he be the one that made contact first? He wasn't sure why he didn't have the confidence to. It wasn't like it was a big deal.

The black ninja lifted his hand slowly, bringing it up to the wooden door in-front of him and knocking gently.

That question, was what suddenly brought him to his best friends bedroom door, at 7:25 in the morning.

Cole watched as the door cracked open ever so slightly, revealing the blue ninjas face and major bed head.

"Cole, you better have a good reason for this, it's way too early to be awake." The freckled boy huffed out, opening his door all the way and leaning against the doorframe.

The earth elemental chuckled nervously, momentarily regretting waking his friend up. "Uh, well I couldn't sleep because somethings.. bugging me?" The last part of his sentence sounded unsure, not that Jay had noticed, the poor boy had practically fallen asleep standing up.

"Earth to Jay." Cole poked the lightening elemental's shoulder, earning a gasp and an angry frown from the smaller boy.

"Can this wait until, like I dunno breakfast? So that I'm actually awake dude." The boy spoke, his soft blue eyes involuntarily closing again.

Cole shuffled awkwardly at the door for a few moments, almost contemplating something before nodding. "Yeah, sorry dude I'll just ask later."

"Alright, I'll be sleeping until then, bye." Jay exclaimed, quickly slamming the door shut.

The black ninja knew Jay could be grumpy in a
morning but fucking hell. He was really grumpy.

Cole let out a sigh. His thoughts could wait anyway, it wasn't like they were exactly important, not that Kai wasn't important.

He dragged his feet along the cold wooden floors of the monastery, making a quiet shuffling sound as he walked. There was no way he was going to be able get back to sleep now, so he might as-well just get dressed and train.

He stumbled into his own bedroom, taking in the blacks and greys of the room. His room was pretty boring, but it worked for him. The earth elemental made his way over to his bed. He sat down, listening as the mattress made a creaking noise. Sometimes it was nice that it was quiet, nice that he could be alone with his thoughts. Speaking of his thoughts, they always seemed to be of the same boy. The boy he was lucky enough to call his boyfriend. Maybe it was stupid that he felt obliged to flirt back. Surely kai would understand.

Cole leaned back onto the silk sheets. Maybe he really was just overthinking all of this. It was something really small, something almost insignificant, yet he wanted to do it, why? He knew why. He wanted to see how Kai would react, whether he would like it. Would the red ninja be surprised if he actually did initiate contact? Perhaps Jay can help him work on his confidence levels, help him interact with Kai more openly. Just, not when he's sleepy. The earth elemental nodded to himself, making a quick mental note to never wake Jay up in a morning ever again. How the fuck Nya dealt with that, he'll never know.

He let out a small sigh, pushing himself up off of the bed to stand up. If he could, he would've just stayed there the entire day. But what would that solve? Nothing.

The black ninja wandered into the kitchen, absentmindedly grabbing himself a bowl and pulling out some cereal. Surely food would take his mind off of his thoughts. It probably would've, if it hadn't of been so quiet. It was fine when it was his bedroom, but the kitchen? Suddenly it became pretty unnerving to be alone.

He pulled himself up onto the counter, picking up the cereal he had previously made. The earth elemental was about to take a bite, at-least until the familiar face of his friend, the white ninja entered the room.

"Good morning Cole, it is unusual to see you awake so early." Zane smiled, walking over to stand next to him.

"Morning Buddy, I just couldn't sleep." The black ninja spoke, bringing the spoon to his mouth to take a bite.

Zane nodded, moving to grab some cooking equipment, or at-least Cole assumed that was what he was getting. "Was something bothering you, brother?"

Cole seemed to contemplate something before answering. "Uh yeah actually, I spent most of the night awake thinking about something."

"Would you like to talk about it?"

That question almost seemed unreal. Somebody actually wanted to know about his problems? It was somewhat nice to hear. "Yeah, I mean if it doesn't bother you dude."

The ice elemental shook his head slowly. "Of-course not brother, you are my friend and I want to help you with any problems that you may have."

"Thank-you, thank-you so much."


Cole sighed, putting his bowl to the side of him and crossing his arms. "It's honestly pretty silly man, I'm not sure how to word it."

"Take all the time you need, I am here to listen."

"It's just I don't know, Kai always kisses me or hugs me, but I never go to kiss him and I feel like I should."

Zane let a small smile creep onto his face. "You don't have to feel pressured to do any of those things, but if you want to I'm sure Kai would be ecstatic."

The black ninja moved his head to look at his friend, mirroring the smile on his face. "You really think he would be happy about it?"

"One hundred percent, he loves you."

"Thanks dude, I'm gonna go see if he's awake." Cole beamed, jumping off of the counter and walking off.

The ice elemental sighed, looking over to the counter. 'Did he really just leave his breakfast? That's new.'

Cole cracked open his boyfriends door slightly. "Hey honey, are you awake?"

"Yeah, you alright?"

The earth elemental was met with the sight of Kai, shirtless. 'Shit, he's hot.'

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine just wanted to see you." He smiled, averting his gaze from Kai's chest to his eyes. He hoped that he didn't notice the staring.

"Okay then babe." The red ninja walked over to his wardrobe, carefully pulling out the top part of his gi.

Cole really could've watched that boy all day, he was so captivating.

"Did you have any plans for what to do today?" The brunette questioned, slipping the red material over his shoulders.

"I was going to train for an hour, but other then that, not really." He sat down onto Kai's bed, watching as the smaller boy turned around to grab his phone.

He wasn't sure how Kai didn't break it, considering the amount of battles he took it to, especially during they're first couple months as ninja. But that wasn't important right now.

"I'm going to go finish my breakfast." Cole stood up, walking over to Kai. He carefully placed a kiss to the smaller's cheek. He pulled away, smiling to himself. "I'll see you in a minute, love you!" He pretty much shouted the last part, rushing out of the room quickly.

'I did it!!! Yess!' The black ninja fist bumped the air, before walking back to the kitchen. 'How did I seriously forget about my breakfast? Fucking hell.'

Little did he know, he had left his boyfriend in a flushed mess in his bedroom. Oh well, he would find out about that later.

Ahh I loved writing this! I honestly think this was the easiest thing I've written so far, I'm not sure why though lmao.

Have a nice day/night!!!!! <3

1355 words

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