Snow day

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"Cole wake up, it's snowing!"

The earth elemental jolted awake, blushing nervously as he heard the sound of his crushes voice. He turned his head, his eyes being met with the red ninja's face.

He jumped slightly, not having expected that. "Fucking hell kai, where did you come from?"

"Never-mind that, It's finally snowing outside!" The smaller boy shot him a toothy grin, unknowingly tugging at his heart strings.

Cole sighed, sitting up in his bed. 'This boy is going to be the death of me.'

"Get dressed, me and the others are gonna have a snowball fight while we wait!"

The black ninja watched as Kai left his room, carefully shutting the wooden door behind himself. 'Huh, he actually shut the door. Jay just leaves the stupid thing open.'

He swung his legs out of bed, wandering over to his wardrobe and pulling on the handle. 'Alright let's see.. winter stuff, oh here we are.'

Cole stepped through the red doors and onto the snow outside, a soft crunch sound being made from his feet now on the ground. He flinched, suddenly being hit in the face with a snowball.

"Hey, who threw that, I literally just stepped outside!" He questioned, wiping the white snow off of his face.

The team started laughing, them all pointing towards Jay.
"What? You looked like the perfect target." The blue ninja chuckled, smiling unapologetically at his best friend.

"Haha, very funny." The black ninja picked up a handful of snow, shaping it into a ball and swiftly throwing it at the lightening elemental.

The freckled boy tumbled backwards, falling down onto his ass making and  a small thud as he hit the ground beneath him. "Yeah, I deserved that."

Nya helped her boyfriend off of the floor, earning a quick kiss as a thank-you.

"So, what now?" The green ninja questioned.

"Let's make a snowman! The water elemental interjected, watching as her friends turned to look at her.

(Genuine question here, if Lego people made a snowman, would it be round or would it be
square-ish like them?)

"Making a snowman is a good team building exercise, I agree with Nya." Zane smiled, grasping some snow and rolling it around on the floor.

Kai looked confused for a moment before opening his mouth to speak. "Zane, Buddy, what are you doing?"

"This is how they do it in the movies, is it not?" The white ninja glanced at the snow in his hand, noticing it hadn't really grown.

Lloyd muffled a laugh behind his hand, before moulding some snow in the other. "It takes longer to do it like that, it's easier to pile it all into a ball see?" He said, before squishing it down onto the ball that Jay and Nya had already started.

"Oh I see, thank-you." He smiled appreciatively, moving over to help the lightening and water ninja.

"Hey Cole, come help me make the middle section!"

The earth elemental turned his head to face Kai, watching as he was piling up snow. "Okay!" He ran over towards the boy, kneeling down onto the ground before moulding snow upwards into the pile.

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