Bad parents

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⚠️Before you read I would just like to note that there will be mentions of homophobia!


The raven haired boy sat at the desk of his and Kai's shared room, drawing. Music blasted out of his phone as the pencil brushed the page, swift motions of his hand as he was off in his own world.

A sudden ding of his phone making him drop the pencil. He looked over to see a text from Lloyd. He paused his music and opened the message, wondering what the green ninja needed from him.


11:05 am

Cole, you might wanna come over to the games room, your boyfriend is freaking out.

His eyes scanned over the message. 'Huh? What's wrong with Kai?' He thought, as he ran over to the door, pulling it open and running out. The black ninja ran past the kitchen and into the games room, his eyes locking onto the scene in-front of him. Kai sat hunched over on the couch, Nya rubbing circles on his back. Jay, Zane and Lloyd stood in-front of them with concerned expressions.

"I got Lloyds message what's going on?!" He asked, worry laced in his voice.

Kai sat up, hearing Cole's voice. The brunette turned his head to look at him, tears visible in the corners of his amber eyes.

Cole's heart clenched, seeing his boyfriend so upset. It was very rare to see the red ninja cry, let alone in-front of so many people.

"Hey, baby what's wrong?" He questioned, sitting down next to him. Kai put an arm around Cole's waist, bringing him closer so that his face was in the larger boys chest. Muffled crying came from Kai as the master of earth wrapped his arms around him, clinging to him. 'What's got him so upset?'

Cole glanced over to Nya, looking for an explanation as to why Kai was currently sobbing in his arms.

"It's our parents." Nya said, a slight shake in her voice. "They are coming to visit."

Cole's eyes widened at this. He clung onto Kai tighter, pulling him onto his lap. He knew very little about the things they had said to the fire elemental a few years back, but it was a enough for him to worry about them coming to the monastery.

Nya spoke up again. "They're coming in 20 minutes, can someone get Wu?"

Lloyd nodded and walked out, heading to master Wu's room.

Kai's crying had started to turn into quiet whimpers as he buried his face into Cole's chest.

"Is there anything we can do to assist you?" Zane questioned, glancing over at Nya, Cole and Kai.

"You don't have to worry about anything Zane, but thank you. Our parents said they just wanted to see me, Kai and our.. boyfriends." She answered, forming an anxious smile at the robotic boy.

The white ninja nodded, quickly understanding the situation and swiftly leaving the room.

Jay walked over to the three on the couch, taking Nya's hand, attempting to reassure his girlfriend that Kai would be fine.

3rd person pov

An abrupt knock at the door made the four ninja jump a little, before realising who it was.

Master Wu answered it, now talking to the smith siblings parents.

Kai began to adjust himself, still on-top of Cole, turning himself around so that he was now sat beside his boyfriend, putting an arm around his waist.

Cole leaned onto him, resting his head on the smaller boys shoulder and wrapping his arm around his torso.
"It'll be okay, firefly I won't let anyone hurt you, alright?"

Kai whispered a response, so only Cole could hear. "It's not me I'm worried about baby.. I'm worried they'll say something about, or to you."

"Nothing they say will ever change the way I feel about you." Cole said, placing a soft kiss to Kai's cheek.

The noise of footsteps silencing them, Ray and Maya now entering the room. A very clear image of disgust on their faces as they look at the two boys out of the corners of their eyes. Taking a seat on the sofa opposite them. Tension suddenly becoming thick enough to cut through with a knife.

"It's nice to see you, Nya, Jay... kai." Ray spoke, scanning the two couples in-front of him. "So, who's your friend?"

"Boyfriend." Kai's bitter tone being very apparent. "And his name is Cole." He said, glaring at his father.

Ray returned  the expression, now scowling back at his son.

"Can we just get to the point of why you two are here, please?" Nya spoke, breaking the silence.

"Oh, yes we came to discuss possibly being in your lives a little more? That is, only if Kai cuts out this.. gay thing of his." Maya said, looking over to her son, noticing his furious expression.

"I am not dumping my boyfriend just to make you two happy. And just so you know, I don't want to see you, you two can't just waltz in here and expect us to forget what you said to us. You can't just stop talking to me for two years and expect me to forgive you." Kai frowned, standing up and walking out the room.

Cole practically jumped up from his seat, running after Kai. He caught up to him, only to be pulled into their room, the red ninja closing the door behind him, walking over to the bed and sitting down. Tears starting to run down his face.

The earth elemental pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug, stroking a hand through his fluffy brown hair. He gently tilted Kai's head upwards, seeing warm orange-brown eyes stare into his own dark green ones, brushing his tears away with his thumb. "I love you." Cole spoke, leaning down and planting a kiss onto the smaller boys lips.

Kai kissed back, only focusing on the boy in-front of him. The need for air kicking in as they swiftly pulled apart. A loud slam startling them as they continued to look at each-other. "What was that?" Kai questioned looking up at Cole.

"I'm not sure, but it doesn't Matter right now." Cole said, grasping Kai's hand and softly pushing him back onto the bed.

He gently pushed his boyfriend onto the silk sheets, now towering over him as he leaned down, starting to kiss his neck. "I wanna take your mind off of things, is this okay?" The black ninja asked, breathing against the fire elementals skin.

"Yeah, more than okay" Kai answered, clutching onto the back of his boyfriends shirt. He felt the earth elemental kiss and suck at his neck, trailing down to his shoulder.


He cuddled up-to Cole in their bed, he didn't care what time of day it was, his anxieties were soothed. He felt always safe in the warmth of his favourite person.
He listened to Coles breathing, watching his chest rising and falling. 'How did I get so lucky?' He wondered, staring at the sleeping boy.
He wasn't sure when, but he had fallen asleep without realising, now imagining Cole in his dreams.


Im gonna finish here as I ran out of ideas but thanks for reading this 🫶

Have a nice day/night <3

1214 words

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