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3rd person pov

The ninja found themselves fighting once again. It was just a bunch of low-level thugs, but they were so far revealing to be quite a problem for the team as they seemed to be of a similar skill level, if not much better.

"Split them up!" A voice echoed, catching the attention of some of the ninja.

"They're planning to split us up, stay close together!"Lloyd shouted down the intercom, making sure his friends knew the situation, as he continued to fight.

Cole went back to back with Kai, not wanting to be separated from him boyfriend.

The thugs they were fighting suddenly disappeared, confusing the ninja as they looked around the alleyway for any trace of them.

"Where'd they go?!" Jay asked, before having a look of worry on his face.
"WHERES KAI?!" he screamed, looking up to Cole, who now also looked worried.

"Alright, is everyone here except Kai?" Lloyd questioned, looking around for each teammate.

"Affirmative, everyone is here except for Kai." Zane responded, concern laced in his voice.

"Where could he of even gone?" Nya said, looking over to the black ninja. You were with him? Weren't you Cole? Did you see anything at all?"

Cole just shook his head, feeling himself start to panic as he desperately looked around for anywhere the criminals could of escaped to.

He felt himself be pulled upwards, his vision going blurry for a few seconds as he took in his new surroundings. He found himself inside an old abandoned building, he gripped his swords tightly as he looked around the room, momentarily slipping on some moss on the stone floor.

"Why did you bring me here?" He shouted, his eyes darting around the room, searching for any form movement.

A dark figure appeared before him, making the red ninja jump backwards suddenly. Bringing his weapons into a fighting stance as he looked at the person in-front of  him.

"What do you want from me?" He questioned, getting himself ready to attack.

The person did not speak, but instead lunged forward with a knife, attacking Kai.

The red ninja stood his ground, keeping the blade away from himself as he countered each blow. He managed to pry the weapon away from the unknown attacker, throwing it behind himself in a single movement.

He brought his swords close to the masked persons face. "Let me ask you again. What do you want from me?" Kai asked, leaning over them.

He again, got no answer.

The person suddenly smiled, making Kai wary. "why are you smiling?" The red ninja stated, lowering his swords slightly.

Kai suddenly felt a sharp pain going into his stomach area as he collapsed backwards, his vision going blurry once again. He hadn't even fully registered what had happened, before passing out.

The master of fire jerked awake, finding himself in the same place as before, only now, no one was there.

He tilted his head upwards, to look at his stomach. He almost gagged, seeing a blade penetrating his skin, thick blood now staining his already red gi.

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