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I know the image isn't lava but I had to share this because I genuinely find it so funny and my friends don't watch ninjago 🥲.
3rd person pov

Cole was led down on the bed of his shared room, with Kai, of-course. The smaller boy was currently on top of him fast asleep, clinging to him as though he was some sort of koala. The black ninja ran a soft hand through the red ninjas hair, softly moving it out of his face and planting a kiss on his forehead.

That was, until they were disturbed by a knock at the door. Cole turned his head to face it, making sure to not wake the sleeping boy in the process.

"Who is it?" He asked, slight annoyance in his voice.

"It's Jay and Zane, is Kai with you?" Zane answered in his usual monotone voice.

"Uh yeah he is, but he's sleeping." Cole said, being careful to not raise his voice too much.

"Well wake him up then! Everyone's going to the beach!" Jay shouted, not caring to even try to be quiet.

"The beach, Seriously? It's 07:30 in the morning guys, did you actually ask master Wu?" Cole whisper- yelled, gently covering Kai's ears.

"Master Wu did say it's fine, as long as we aren't gone too long." Zane said, emphasising the last part, not that his friends were going to listen to him anyway.

"Alright fine, I'll wake him up, but I am holding you both personally accountable if he's grumpy." Cole huffed, stroking his thumb along Kai's cheek.

"Ok just hurry up man we're leaving in 20 minutes!"Jay borderline screamed, then running off. The faint noise of running indicating he and Zane had left.

Cole shook Kai gently in an attempt to wake the smaller boy, Earning a low groan from the red ninja.
"Kai, sweetheart you need to wake up." He said, his words laced with affection.

"Whyyy?" Kai questioned, slowly lifting his face up from Cole's chest.

"Everyone's going to the beach, don't you want to go?" Cole responded, placing his hand to Kai's cheek again.

"I guess." Kai said, rolling himself off of his boyfriend and onto the silky black sheets.

He  pulled out two pairs of swimming shorts, not sure of which to wear, as black was normally his go to colour, but orange was also a cool colour. He turned to Kai and held up the two shorts. "Which colour do you think would look better, Babe?"

Kai turned his head to face Cole, whilst stuffing his own, bright red swimming shorts in their bag.
The master of fire simply winked. "Black, it matches your hair!" He shot the boy a toothy grin, continuing to put the stuff they needed in their bag.

Cole stared in awe at his boyfriend. 'He's so pretty.' He put the orange shorts back in the drawer he got them from, then placing the black pair in the bag before quickly zipping it up.

The black ninja felt a warm hand grab his own, as Kai led him out of their bedroom and down the hall, then into the kitchen where the others were getting food.

Zane and Pixal were making sandwiches on the counter, Nya and Lloyd were getting drinks and Jay, was just being Jay.
3rd person pov

"Morning guys." Kai yawned, intertwining his arm with Cole's. The taller boy allowed a soft smile to form on his lips as he looked down at Kai, who was clinging to his arm.

"Took you two long enough to get out of bed, was starting to think we would have to leave without you." Nya chuckled, placing a pack of soda cans into a cooler.

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