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⚠️mentions of vomit


The team of ninja had just come back from a rather difficult mission and were exhausted, to say the least.
Kai stumbled into his and Cole's bedroom, just having taken a shower. He sighed as he fell face first into the silky black sheets on the bed.
'Ugh.. my stomach hurts so bad..'
He rolled himself over onto his back, so that he was now facing the ceiling, his damp hair covering his eyes slightly as he breathed in and out.
Without much warning, he started to begin to feel sick, as his throat became dry and his stomach churned.
'Argh.. fuck.'
He quickly jumped off of the bed, trying to stabilise himself as he ran out the door and towards the bathroom down the hall.

His face began to get extremely heated, as he cupped a hand over his mouth and started moving faster, to the point where he might as-well have been running.

He sprinted past Cole and Lloyd, confusing them both, before pulling on the bathroom door handle, swinging it open, not even bothering to close it behind him as he made his way over to the toilet and making a few strange noises before puking into it.

The fire elemental sighed. "Ew.."

3rd person pov

The black and green ninja came to a stop, exchanging worried glances as they looked over to where Kai had just ran off to.

Lloyd turned his head back to Cole, looking up at him.  "What was that about??"

"Uh.. I'm not sure." Cole answered.
"I'm just gonna go see what's wrong."

The green ninja nodded. "I'll come too, just incase."

"Alright greenie."

They walked down the hall, looking for anywhere Kai could've gone.

"Babe?" Cole called out, looking around for his boyfriend.

"Uhm, Cole what's that smell?" Lloyd questioned, holding his nose in disgust.

The black ninja mirrored the action of his friend, now pinching his nose as he looked down at the green ninja.
"I'm not sure, but it can't be something good."

Cole's eyes fell onto the bathroom door, realisation setting in as he noticed quiet gagging noises.

"Maybe you should take this one, I'm not sure I can handle vomit." Lloyd chuckled slightly, looking down at the floor.

"Alright." Cole already knew that Lloyd had emetophobia, so he wasn't going to question why he didn't want to come.


The earth elemental sighed, peeking his head around the entryway of the bathroom.
"Kai honey, are you okay?"

The red ninja looked over to him, jumping lightly as he hadn't noticed him enter the room. "Yup, just puking my guts out."

Cole kneeled down next to his boyfriend, rubbing small circles onto his back in a comforting matter.
The boy leaned into his touch, feeling somewhat better now that he was there.

The black ninja stared into Kai's amber eyes, concern lacing his voice as he spoke. "Do you think you feel okay to have dinner? Zane said that food should be ready soon."

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