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Cole wrote love songs about Kai all the time, not that anyone knew. He couldn't exactly tell anyone he had been crushing on the fire elemental. He was embarrassed to tell the ninja his normal emotions, let alone romantic ones. So the he put them into songs that only he knew about.

He sat down on the side of his bed, resting a guitar on his lap, pick in hand. The black ninja knew a lot about instruments and how to write songs, as he was taught by his father when he was younger.

'Well here goes nothing.' He turned his desk chair around and faced it to himself, resting a notebook down on the seat. Cole started to strum the cords, tweaking them here and there to make it fit the words. He read over the words once more, opening his mouth to sing.

(This is the only song I could think of lmao, gotta love cave town tho)

Cole sighed, placing the guitar down next to him. His head snapped towards the door, He heard a shuffle from outside. 'Was someone listening to me? Or am I imagining things again?' He got up off of the bed, walking towards the door, opening it slightly. He looked both ways down the hall before going back inside. 'That's weird.. I swear I heard something.'  Cole started to put his guitar away, placing it in the gap beside his closet.

He led back on his bed, his head hitting the soft material with a thud. 'I wonder if anyone would actually like my songs? I can't exactly sing very well. Hmm maybe I should get some cake..' Cole got up off of his bed, now turning the door handle and walking out into the hallway.

The black ninja wondered into the kitchen, he opened the fridge and grabbed a cupcake, taking a seat on a stool nearby. He peeled the wrapper back, closing his eyes as he took a bite.

'Oh brother, there you are!" Zane smiled, wondering over to Cole.

"Hi Zane." Cole smiled back, taking another bite of his cake.

"I wanted to compliment you on your singing, you are very good at it." the robotic boy said, continuing to smile.

Cole dropped the cupcake he was holding, turning his head to look at Zane. "Were you outside my door?!" He questioned, panic slowly starting to set in.

"No I wasn't, it's Jay that recorded it, why? Is something the matter Cole?"

"How many of you did he show the video to?!" Cole slid himself off of the stool, picking up the cake he had dropped.

"He showed everyone except Kai I think, he was really surprised that you can sing." Zane said, looking down to Cole.

Cole sighed, facepalming. "Dammit.."

"I also wanted to ask who's the song about? We haven't met anyone new recently, is it Queen Vania?"Zane asked, cocking his head to the side slightly.

"No it's not Vania,  Zane."Cole looked down to the floor, feeling embarrassed that he was having this discussion with his friend.

"What's her name?" Zane asked, his mind set on figuring out Cole's crush.

Cole chuckled for a moment before looking up at Zane. "Can I tell you something, as long you don't tell anyone, Zane?"

The white ninja nodded, confused by the earth elementals words.

"I don't like girls Zane, I'm gay."

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