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3rd person pov

The ninja stood around their table, Lloyd had a bottle of alcohol and 6 glasses.

"Does anyone want some wine? I got it from my mom." Lloyd said, handing out the glasses.

"Everyone can have wine as-long as they're old enough!!!" Zane called out, taking the bottle from the green ninja.
"Lloyd, Nya, Jay, you are not old enough, pass your glasses over."

The three ninja cried out in protest, not want to give into the ice elemental.

"Oh come on Zane, let them just have one glass." Kai chuckled, swinging an arm around his boyfriend.

"Yeah! Come on Zane please!!!" Jay pleaded, placing his own glass down onto the table.

"Fine, but only one!" The robotic boy said, pouring the liquid into glasses, except for his.
"Oh, and don't drink too much or you'll be hungover Tomorrow, that means you especially Kai."

Kai scowled, gripping tighter onto the earth elemental.
"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him." Cole smiled, placing a kiss onto the smaller's forehead.

"We all promise to be good, don't worry bud!" Jay beamed, taking a sip from his glass and wrapping his arm around Nya's waist.

Zane sighed. "Okay, just be responsible, I don't want to deal with the five of you drunk."

"We'll be fine Zane, but babe please don't have more than two glasses, everyone knows your a lightweight." Cole laughed, moving his arm up to ruffle his boyfriends hair.

"Fine, I won't have more than two." Kai rolled his eyes, leaning into Cole's touch.

About half an hour later and 5 of them are sat around their table, making conversation and drinking. A drunk Jay, fawning over Nya as she just sat there with an annoyed expression.

"Remind me to never let Jay get drunk again." the water elemental sighed, now stroking Jays head as he started to fall asleep.

"I did say it's a bad idea to get drunk if your not used to drinking." Lloyd giggled.
"Kai would know a thing or two about that, wouldn't you Kai." He glanced over towards the red ninja, laughing slightly seeing him clinging onto Cole tightly.

'He's drunk, great well, Zane's gonna kill me.' He sighed before standing up, unlatching his boyfriend from his arm.

"I'm gonna go take a piss a second, can you guys watch this one please." He spoke, pointing towards kai.

"Yeah we'll watch him don't worry." Lloyd said, a smirk very apparent on his face as he glanced between Nya and Cole.

"Don't *hic* goooo~." Kai sounded, his words slurring as he buried his face into the table.

"Ill be back in a minute." he cooed before walking out the door and down the hall.

'They better not have something planned. If Lloyds expression was anything to go by they're gonna tease him.' Cole pulled the bathroom door open, walking in and just sitting down on the floor for a moment. The black ninja didn't actually need the bathroom, however he just wanted a moment to himself. 'Now how am I gonna deal with a drunk Kai. I hope no one tells Zane. I'll probably just wait until he falls asleep like normal, but if those guys get him riled up it'll take hours.' He started to stand back up, not wanting the others to question him if he was gone for too long.
He walked back towards the door, pulling it open and stepping onto the cold hard wood floor.
'Ehh.. I'm cold.. I'll just grab a jacket or something.' He sighed before walking towards his and Kai's shared room.

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