Lava kids

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3rd person pov

Most of the ninja burst into the monastery after finishing a long mission, collapsing on the floor in a tired huff.

"Ugh, that was so draining!" Jay exclaimed, slouching down onto his back.

"You can say that again Buddy!" Cole said, agreeing with his best friend.

A crash from the kitchen caught the ninjas attention, all looking to one another, raising their weapons.

"Didn't master Wu and Zane go out today?" Kai whispered.

Lloyd nodded. "yeah they've gone to that new tea place down town again."

The team slowly approached the room, Lloyd held his arm out in-front of the other ninja as he creeped his head around the corner, looking into the kitchen.

A boy around the ages of 15-16 looked back at Lloyd.
"Oh! Hey uncle Lloyd can you give me a hand I can't quite reach this!"

"What? Who are you?!" Lloyd screeched, the rest of the team now peering into the kitchen with Lloyd.

"Ah, right, I'm Jasper. I'm from the future I guess." He chuckled, sitting himself on-top of the counter as he ate a bowl of cereal.

The ninja wondered into the room, catching the boys attention.

"Oh hey Dad, Pops." Jasper waved to Cole and Kai, catching them off guard. "Damn you guys look so young."

The red and black ninja looked over to each-other, a blush forming onto their cheeks.

"Hold on WHAT?!" Kai screamed, looking up at the boy on the counter.

"Are you guys not together yet?" He questioned, glancing at the two of them.
"I thought I'd landed in the time where you guys
had already got together?"

Nya looked over to the two blushing boys, an all knowing smirk appearing on her face. "Ha! I knew you two had feelings for each-other!"

Jasper hopped off of the counter, walking over to the ninja.
"Damn, Dad was right. You were really short as a teen." he said looking down at Kai.

"What?! I am not short!" Kai shouted, clearly embarrassed.

"Can I ask something, uh , Jasper." Cole questioned, looking to his future son.

"Yeah, what is it Dad?"

"Uhm, me and Kai are both guys, how Come you look like the both of us? Like you have black hair but your eyes are like Kai's- ."

"As far as I know, it's some kind of magic tea and then you have sex, I tuned out after that part, but biologically I am your guys kid."

What do you mean you tuned out after that part Jasper?" Jay questioned, smirking.

"I say that because I have a younger brother." Jasper said, glaring at his parents.

2 kids?! The ninja shouted in sync, Kai and Cole now blushing even more than before.

"Yeah me and Damon."Jasper looked unfazed as he told them the name of his sibling.
Oh and you two aren't the only ones with kids, Aunt Nya and Uncle Jay have 2 daughters and a son, Aunt pixal and Uncle Zane have a son and Uncle Lloyd has an adopted daughter.

The ninja stood in shock as they learnt about their futures.
There was a short silence before Nya broke it, trying to keep her voice calm. "Is Master Wu.. still alive?"She asked.

Jasper suddenly looked upset. He shook his head. watching as the ninja in-front of him looked downwards, saddened.

How are you here though? Lloyd questioned, looking at the smaller teen.

"Oh yes, good question. I was messing around with these like blade things I guess, forgot what they are called and then the next second, boom I'm here."

"When you say blade things, do you mean time blades?" Lloyd asked.

"Yeah I think that's what they were called."

"But how? We destroyed them, didn't we?" Lloyd looked over to Kai and Nya, their expressions equally as confused.

Jasper shrugged. "I don't know."

"Does that mean we don't know your here right now?" Kai asked.

"I sent a message once I got here, I don't know if they got it though." Jasper crossed his arms looking around the room.
"Damn I'm so dead once they find me." he chuckled.

As if on cue, the monastery doors flew open.
The ninja grabbed their weapons, rushing over to the doors only to stop in their tracks at the sight.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but is Jasper here?" An older Kai stood, towering over the ninja.

"Uh, yeah Jaspers here.." Lloyd answered, his jaw practically on the floor looking up at the future red ninja.

Jasper walked around the corner, now face to face with his father.

"Jasper Brookstone! You are in so much trouble, we specifically told you not to touch those blades!"

"Babe did you find him?" An older Cole ran up next to Kai, followed by a young boy around 13.

The present Cole and Kai looked back and forth to each-other and then to their future selves, shock clear on their faces.

The future Kai walked over to Cole, looking him up and down, pretty much inspecting him.

"Babe look I'm finally taller than ya!" He said proud, wrapping an arm around Cole's shoulder.

The future Cole let out a small laugh before turning to his son. "Jasper, what did we tell you about messing with those blades?" He glared, grabbing him by the ear.

"Yesss dad I get it, I'm in trouble." He sighed, looking over to his sibling.
"Damon!" He shouted and ran to hug the small boy.

Future Kai pinched the bridge of his nose. "Did he tell you anything?"

"Not much, mostly just stuff about our future kids."Lloyd answered.

"Okay that's fine, but we should get going now, Zane said he can't hold that portal for long." Future Cole said, a serious expression on his face.

"Yeah okay, you three go to the portal, I will be there in a second." Kai spoke, ushering his kids out the door.

"We do have to go but let me just say this." future Kai looked down to the present Kai, smirk on his face. "Don't be embarrassed that your a bottom, Cole's dick is really fucking good."

"Kai!" Future Cole shouted, covering the red ninjas mouth with his hand. "We should get going now, ignore that he said that!" He shouted, dragging his kai out the door.

Kai blushed a deep red and looked over to Cole.

"Okay.. that was weird. Everyone take showers and we'll tell sensei and Zane what happened when they get back." Lloyd exclaimed, glancing at his team.

"Wheres Cole and Kai gone?" Jay questioned.

Jay, Nya and Lloyd looked between one another before hearing moans coming from Kai's bedroom.

"That's where they've gone." Nya laughed, before walking off towards her own room.
I'm so bad at coming up with names lmao.

I don't really have much to say here so, have a nice day/night <3

1149 words

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