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3rd person pov

"Kai, you need to stop worrying about it and just ask him!"

"I don't know Skylor, what if he's just been being friendly, you know?"

The redhead took another mouthful of her noodles, before pointing the chopsticks at Kai. "Dude, have you seen the way he looks at you? That's not a 'I just want to be friends and nothing more' look."

The fire elemental sighed, laying his head on the table and closing his eyes. "I don't even know if he likes guys."

"Honey, I have a strong gaydar, and that boy is certainly not straight." She chuckled, pushing her now empty bowl to the side.

"Well maybe your.. gaydar?? Is broken."

She gasped and put a hand up to her chest. "How dare you, my gaydar is always right!"

He shrugged, eating a last mouthful of his noodles. "Maybe you got it wrong this time."

"Kai I'm your best-friend, I wouldn't tell you unless I was one hundred percent sure." She spoke, picking up the two bowls and placing them onto the counter behind them.

"What am I exactly supposed to do about it anyway, it's not like I've asked anyone out before."

Skylor flashed a small smile, shaking her head slightly as her eyes met Kai's. "Drop him some hints, get him chocolate or maybe JUST ASK HIM?"

"Wouldn't it all be out of the blue though? I haven't even spoken to anyone else about my feeling for him."

"I'm pretty sure how red your face gets when your around him is enough of a hint for everyone else to know you like him." She chuckled, standing up.

"What's that supposed to mean? I don't blush that much!" The red ninja exclaimed, standing up with her.

The redhead shook her head slowly, pushing her chair back to the table. "Yes you do." She sighed grabbing the empty bowls off of the counter. "Despite that, I have to get home soon, my girlfriend finishes work in half an hour."

"She works pretty late, it's 08:57 now." He said, following her around the counter.

"I know, but she says it pays good money and she enjoys her work so I just leave her to it."

"Fair enough, I know I have missions fairly late sometimes." He chuckled, watching as she placed the bowls by the sink.

"That would be because you go around taking out criminals."

"Yeah, well what can I say? It's fun to let my anger out."

"Sure it is, hair gel." She let out a quiet laugh, walking over towards the door. "You let me know if you get the courage to ask him, yeah?"

"I will, message me when you get home alright." He exclaimed, pushing open the door for the two of them to walk through.

"Ok, I'll see you the next time you decide you want noodles." She smiled, turning the light out before leaving through the door.

"Bye Skylor!"

"Bye kai."


I walked over to my bike, pulling out the keys from my back pocket. I let out a heavy sigh, swinging my leg over the bike. I wondered about what to do once I got home, if the others are doing something, perhaps I can join them? In the meantime.. what am I going to do about this crush on the master of earth? 'Maybe I could do something like what Skylor said, or I could ask Nya? What if Nya tells Jay and then Jay runs his mouth to Cole because he's his best friend.. No, Nya's not like that, she wouldn't tell anyone. I quietly slotted the key into the ignition, starting up the bike. 'It's probably best to focus on just getting home right now.'

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