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I know I already have a chapter called date, but I couldn't think of anything else to call this. 😅

3rd person pov

"Are you going to tell me where we're going now?"

"I told you firefly, it's a surprise!"

Cole held his hand out for Kai to take, being granted the smaller boys hand almost immediately.
The black ninja had planned a date for the two of them, and was now walking with his boyfriend to the place he had picked, the arcade. It was one of Kai's favourite places to go, but they hadn't been able to in a while, due to ninja "duties."
They loved being the ninja, but it was stressful work and they did need a break, therefore Cole took it into his own hands to make it a good day for his fire ninja.

The earth elemental brought the two of them to a stop outside the arcade, before pointing towards the doors as to let Kai know that's where they were going.

Kai's eyes lit up instantly, turning his head to face Cole. "Really?! Oh my god I love you so much!"

The black ninja smiled. He loved seeing Kai so happy. "And I love you too honey."
"Now come on let's go inside!"
He pushed the two doors open, holding them for his boyfriend.

The red ninja chuckled, walking through the doors. "Oh wow, such a gentleman."

Cole followed closely behind Kai, watching as the smaller boy scanned his eyes over the games.

"Can we play that one over there?" The fire elemental questioned, taking a hold of Cole's arm.

"Yeah of-course we can firefly." The black ninja smiled, being dragged off to the random game that Kai had picked. He really does love that boy.

Cole watched as the red ninja put a 50p coin into the game, releasing basket balls down for them to grab.

(You know the like uh, basket ball game where you have to throw the balls into the hoop? It's that kind of thing.)

The two boys picked up a ball each, starting to play the game.


He hit the button on the claw machine, causing the little grabber to reach down, missing the toy he was trying to get.

"I swear this fucking thing is rigged." The black ninja sighed, putting another £2 into the coin slot.

"You really don't have to get me anything love, I'm just happy that you brought me here."

"Nope, I wanna get you something, besides you really like Kenny from South Park, I think it was?" He turned his head to face the brunette, glancing a smile at him as he hit the red button again. 'I will get Kai something, like the good boyfriend I am!'

The red ninja chuckled, resting a hand onto the wall next to them. "How did you know that I've been watching South Park?"

"Your sister told me." He hit the button again, watching as the claw went downwards and grabbed the soft Kenny plush. "Haha, yes!"

"Here you go firefly!" Cole watched as Kai took the plush out of his hand, a sweet smile forming on the fire elementals face.

"Thanks babe." The red ninja leaned up towards him slightly, planting a small kiss on his cheek. "Also can we get something to eat before we go?"

He beamed a smile at the smaller boy, taking his hand into his own. "Yeah of-course we can, I think Chen's noodle house is down the road."

"Oh sweet, I wanted to ask Skylor how things are going with her new girlfriend anyway."

'Oh, I didn't know Skylor likes girls.' "She got a girlfriend?" The black ninja looked over to Kai, starting to walk with him along the street.

"Yeah, her names Macy I believe, they've been together for a few months now."

"That's sweet, oh and we're here." Cole turned to face the shop, opening the door as a small bell rang.

"Kai, Cole! Hey!" Skylor walked over towards the pair, followed by a shorter blonde haired girl.

The red ninja smiled. "Hey Sky, can we get a table, and is that Macy?!"

"Yeah, of-course you can, and yes this is my girlfriend!" The redhead smiled at the two, moving over to grab menu's.
3rd person pov

Kai dug his fork into the noodles in-front of him, twirling the utensil in his hand to pick some up. "Are we gonna go back to the monastery after this?"

"Sure, unless you wanted to do anything else?" The black ninja looked up to his boyfriend, watching as he shoved food into his mouth.

"No not really, what time is it though, maybe we should head back soon."

"It's 14:45" (15 minutes to 3)

"We should probably get going then, otherwise it'll take us an hour just to get back, due to school kids."

"Oh yeah that's true, I'd rather not get stuck in a group of fans again." The black ninja laughed, pushing his empty bowl to the side.

"Hey, are you guys the black and red ninja?"

"We just had to jinx it didn't we." The fire elemental muttered under his breath, glancing over to the two kids in-front of them.

Cole smiled softly at Kai's remark. "Yeah, we are." He spoke, answering them.

"Oh my god! I'm zack and this is my little sister Sophie, we're big fans of you guys!" The kid exclaimed, looking up at the two ninja with stars in his eyes.

"Well it's very nice to meet you, but where's your parents?" The black ninja questioned, noticing they didn't have an adult with them.

"Mama's getting noodles." The small girl said from behind her brother.

Cole glanced down to them. "Maybe you kids should go back to her before she sees your missing, yeah?"

"Okay mr, it was great to meet you!"

The earth elemental waved at them as they walked away, letting out a sigh once they were out of sight. "Let's go before we get stopped by anyone else." He stood up, taking Kai's hand in his own.

"How are you so good with kids dude?" Kai asked, following behind Cole, their hands intertwined.

"What do you mean?" The black ninja said, walking back towards the monastery.

"Your just, really good with kids I dunno."

"Taking notes are you?" Cole smirked.

Kai chuckled, squeezing his boyfriends hand lightly. "I don't know, maybe I am."

I'm so sorry that this is short I've been a little busy and wanted to write something quickly, I'll get another chapter posted in the next few days to make up for it! 🫶

Also I haven't edited this so it's probably has a lot of spelling errors, sorry about that. 😭

Have a nice day/night!<3

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