Horror movie

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My camera entire roll is basically just lavashipping pics at the moment lmao 💀

(Not that I'm complaining)


As long as he could remember, Kai had always hated horror movies. They terrified him, despite being a ninja and facing 'scary' creatures often. He used to always have nightmares after watching them when he was 13-14, that's why he stopped doing movie nights with Nya, because she loved them, but he refused to admit that they scared him.
Growing up, Nya was his only friend, he pretended to be confident, but on the inside he really wasn't. He was rather shy, and a lot of things scared him. He still remembers how hard it was just to come out to Nya and tell her that he liked boys. He couldn't even imagine telling anyone that he liked a certain master of earth. He knew Cole was gay sure, but he most likely wouldn't see anything in him.

He face planted into his bed, letting his body go limp as he buried his face into the soft pillows.
Friday was the ninjas "movie night" and as it was Nya's turn to pick, he knew she would chose a horror movie. He usually sat out on the nights his sister had the pick, but it was her birthday, so maybe he should actually attend for once? He never openly admitted that he hated horror, but he was pretty sure everyone knew anyway.

The red ninja pushed himself onto his feet, standing up a little wobbly. He walked over to his wardrobe, pulling the handle to open it. He knelt down onto the floor, getting out a small blanket from the bottom shelf.
Maybe it was a little silly for a 17 year old to still have a comfort blanket from when he was a kid, but he honestly didn't care right now. He rolled it up and placed it under his arm, standing up and walking over to his door. He took his phone out of his pocket, checking the time.


'Still 3 minutes until they start the movie. I'll get there in time.' He opened his door, turning his light off and walking out into the hall. The wooden floor were cold on his bare feet, some of the planks creaking here and there as he walked on-top of them.

Kai stood at the doorway to where the team was anxiously, watching as Jay put a disc into the tv. He was right about it being a horror. He wasn't sure what the movie was, but there was a red clown on the dvd case. He breathed in sharply as Jay turned around to sit back down, but noticed him at the door.

"Kai? Don't you usually sit out on horror movies man?" Jay questioned, raising an eyebrow at the boy.

The master of fire watched as his team turned to look at him, a mixture of confusion and excitement on their faces.

"Uh.. yeah, I just thought I'd watch with you guys today is all.." He put a hand behind his neck anxiously, walking further into the room.

"Oh yay! It'll be just like how we used to watch movies Kai!" Nya beamed, her happiness showing clear on her face.

Zane and Lloyd shared a worried glance, yet didn't say anything and returned their focus to the screen in-front of them.

"You can sit next to me if you want Kai." Cole said, blushing a lot as he patted the spot next to him.

"Y-yeah sure!" The red ninja smiled, now also blushing as he plopped himself next to Cole, watching as the master of lightening now cuddled up to his sister on the sofa.

It was about 12 minutes into the movie, but Cole had not really been paying attention. He was busy thinking about, and sneaking peeks at the boy next to him.

He'd had a crush on the red ninja for a while, Jay, Lloyd and Zane knew, but he couldn't bring himself to tell Kai, or even Nya.

He glanced over to Kai again, noticing him trembling a little. He panicked seeing that he was scared, Cole looked over to the tv, seeing it was a 'scary' scene.
Horror never really bothered him that much, but if it bothered kai he wanted to be there for him. He just wasn't sure how.
'What if I..'

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