Perfect match

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'He looks so hot when he's training.'
'I guess that makes sense.'
'He is the master of fire.'


Jay sat next to him with his arms crossed. He was clearly very annoyed.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry Jay I got Uh, distracted"

"Oh yes, distracted by Kai again!" Jay wiggled his eyebrows, before suddenly bursting into fits of laughter as he looked over to Cole.

"Anyway, did you hear what I said like, at all man? Or was Kai too distracting." Jay said, now pissed as Cole had gone back to his staring at the red ninja.


"Ah! Sorry Jay! And uh, no I wasn't listening." He smiled apologetically, looking back to his best friend.

"I was asking if you would do the stupid love match thing with me. Apparently Pixal fixed the coding in her data base and wants to try it out on someone."

"Are you sure its a good idea to try that thing again? You know what happened last time." Cole stated, somewhat nervous at the suggestion.

"Yeah, well I didn't know that you're gay then." Jay muttered, hiding his face in his hands.

"How do we know that we'll even get the people we hope for? Wouldn't it just hurt if we get someone else?"

Jay nudged his side. "Not necessarily, we wont know unless we actually try. Besides I love Nya either way, and your crush on that hothead is not going anywhere, anytime soon."

"That's true, I guess. I'll try that silly match making machine, its not like it'll affect anything either way."Cole smiled. I just really want to get kai on it.

3rd person pov

"Alright Pix, give it a go!" Jay said, grinning from ear to ear as he watched the girl in-front of him.

Cole observed as pixal scanned Jay's body up and down, looking for his match.

She flashed a small smile. "Your perfect match is Nya, Just as I thought!"

"Sweet!" Jay shouted, punching the air excitedly.

Pixal turned to face Cole. "Is there anyone you have in mind that you may be compatible with, Cole?"

He paused for a moment. He wasn't sure whether he should lie or not, but smiled and nodded anyway. "Yeah, I have someone in mind. I just feel it's unlikely he'll be my match."

Pixal smiled at his uncertainty. "Well if this person does like you back, I'm sure it would put him as your match. Are you ready?"

Cole nodded anxiously, watching as Pixal started scanning him head to toe.

She suddenly let out a small gasp, looking to Cole as she spoke. "Well I certainly didn't expect this."She smiled. "Your perfect match is Kai."

Cole just stared back at her, a smile creeping onto his face as the situation sunk in. Kai, was his perfect match.

"I take it that this is a good thing?" She questioned.

Cole began nodding excitedly. "Yeah, you could say that pix."

She let out another small smile. "well, I'm sure we can help you two get together somehow."

Jay started wiggling his eyebrows, like earlier. "I told ya Cole! He does like you!"

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