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⚠️This contains some smut/lemon so if you don't like that stuff, skip to the next chapter.🫶


The black ninja had been dreaming of Kai, a lot lately. He knew that he had a crush on the fire ninja, but dreaming of him? He was down bad.

He held onto Kai's waist, softly kissing him. He licked the smaller boys bottom lip, requesting entrance, being granted it almost immediately. Cole pushed his tongue into the fire elementals mouth, small moans escaping him, searching every small detail in the wet cavern.

He suddenly jerked awake. Letting out a groan as he was forcefully pulled out of his dream.

He turned his head to look at the alarm clock next to his bed. 'Seriously? It hasn't even gone off yet?' He read the clock, an annoyed expression covering his face.

06:32 am.

'Oh come on! I could of had at least another 28 minutes of sleep. Another 28 minutes of making out with Kai.. fuck what am I thinking, he doesn't like me like that.'

Cole turned his head to his door, he Contemplated whether to get up yet. 'I probably should. I can get some training done.' He sat up, swinging his legs around and jumping out of the bed. He walked over to his wardrobe, getting out his black gi, and putting it on.

3rd person pov

He grabbed the handle of his door and pulled it open, wondering out of the room and down the hallway, going towards the courtyard of the monastery. He opened the large doors and stepped into the teams shared training area, sighing as he held his scythe, beginning to work with it.

Cole hit the targets somewhat perfectly, as he always does. Everyone knew that he was very skilled with his scythe. It was one of the many things the master of fire liked about him.

The black ninja hadn't even noticed anyone was watching him, continuing slashing the targets. Kai sat down on the wooden stairs leading into the monastery, sighing as he watched him. It was rare to see Cole training by himself, so he wanted to make the most of this opportunity. Kai inspected the boys body movement, watching his torso through the black cloth.

Kai began to day dream as he watched Cole. He imagined himself pinned up against a wall, Cole kissing his neck. He blushed at the thought, but he definitely didn't want it to go away either. He wondered what it would feel like, to have Cole's dark lips against his own. Cole was the only person he would even consider allowing to take over him. The only problem was that Cole most likely just thought of him as a friend.


He let out a loud, high pitched shriek as he felt a pair of cold hands on his shoulders, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Fucking hell Nya, you scared me!" Kai said, holding his hand over his chest.

Nya glanced down at her brother. "Oh sorry Kai, I didn't mean to scare you!" she chuckled. "What are you gawking at anyway?" She turned her head up from Kai, looking over to see Cole training. "Ooh I see, it's like that." she whispered.

Cole was somehow still in his own world, completely unaware of the siblings. He continued training, slashing target after target.

"He just looks cool when he's training." kai crossed his arms, letting out a small huff.

"Kai, if you like him you can just say that." She laughed, noticing  her brother blushing at him.

"And you won't tell anyone?" Kai asked, he was nervous at the thought of what the other ninja would say. It didn't matter if they didn't like it, but they were still his family, he wanted them to be supportive, rather than grossed out by it.

"Kai. I don't have to tell anyone because you and Cole are very obvious about your feelings for each other. Well, not that you guys notice that is. You two are so oblivious of the others feelings, it's painful to watch." She face palmed, shaking her head remembering some of the awkward moments between the two.

Kai just stared at her in disbelief. "Seriously? I'm really that obvious?"

Nya nodded her head laughing, "yes! Yes you are!"

Cole put his scythe back on the weapons rack, before taking the top part of his gi off, revealing the upper half of his body.

The red ninja watched him. Feeling his mouth start drooling as he looked Cole up and down. He felt his pants get tight, realising what happened, he screamed again pulling his jacket over his crotch. 'Shit why now!'

Nya blinked in disbelief. She started laughing, she hunched over uncontrollably, watching as Cole walked over.

"Oh hey, when did you two get here?" Cole asked, looking down to the two siblings, Nya still laughing her ass off.

Kai glanced up to Cole. He opened his mouth trying to form words, but closed it, unable to speak.

Nya calmed down and looked to Cole. "I've been here long enough to witness Kai getting hard from watching you!" She broke out in another fit of laughter as she ran inside, she didn't want to get murdered by her brother, at-least not today. 

The boys whole face had turned red. He looked back and forth from Cole, and the hallway Nya had just ran off into.

"Wait- NYA!" Kai shouted getting up, covering his crotch as Cole was looking down at him. 'Oh shit she just told Cole that, I'm fucked.' Kai smiled awkwardly at Cole. "Oops?" He muttered. He was hoping that the black ninja would just laugh it off.

Cole wasn't really sure what to say. His crush was hard? Because of him?!

He just said what came to mind, still looking down to Kai. "Uh.. would you like some help with that?"Cole asked, pointing his finger down.

Kai's eyes blew wide. He wanted to see if there really was a chance. "hmm, You did cause the problem, you can help if you want." He said, reaching out and grabbing Cole's hand.
3rd person pov

Cole had lead Kai into his bedroom, pinning him against the door as he connected their lips, Kai had found himself melting at every small touch.

The black ninja kissed down towards the smaller boys neck. "Is this okay?" He questioned, stopping momentarily.

Kai smiled. "yeah that's good." He felt a small moan escape his mouth, Cole had began sucking and biting at the skin on the smaller boys neck, the black ninja was not entirely sure what he was doing, but was going with it anyway.

Cole lifted the red ninja up and placed him onto the black sheets of his bed, before gently palming the boys clothed erection. He slowly undid the buttons on Kai's jeans, kneeling down. He looked up to him, hesitant. Kai nodded, giving him a small thumbs up.

Cole pulled down the fire elementals boxers, Unveiling what they hid. He just stared for a moment. He had never thought of a penis as "cute"before. But there wasn't really any other way to word it.

He leaned down, beginning to kiss the tip, before taking it into his mouth. Earning a soft moan from Kai.


'I swear when I find Kai!' He turned to face Cole's door, knocking. "Hey buddy, have you seen Kai? Nya wants him for something!"

There was a small pause before Cole answered.
"Uhh, nope I haven't seen him!" He shouted, making Jay furrow his eye brows.

'That's weird I could've sworn I heard Kai in there earlier.' "Alright then, I'm coming in." Jay said, turning the door handle.

"Wait Jay don't!" Kai shouted.

Jay had already opened the door. "I knew I heard Kai in h.."

Jays face went bright red, before he turned back around, shutting the door behind him. He wasn't sure what he expected to see, but he sure as hell didn't expect that.
Im gonna end it here, sorry if its bad I haven't written stuff like this before.

Either way, have a nice day/ night!!!! <3

1360 words

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