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(Cole looks so done lmao) ^

⚠️- mentions of sexual activity
3rd person pov

Kai and Nya sat at the kitchen table, just mindlessly playing on their phones, scrolling on social media, etc. The rest of the team had gone out somewhere due to Wu's request, so it just left them alone at the monastery.

Nya looked up from her phone screen momentarily, it was clear she was deep in thought. her face suddenly curling up into a smile as she did so.

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She took a breath and then tried again.


"Hm? Yeah sis?" The fire elemental had a confused expression as he turned his head to look at her.

"You know how Cole has like so many nicknames for you, like honey, firefly, flicker and all that." Nya's face now contained a shit-eating grin. She was definitely thinking something up.

"Uh yeah, what about the nicknames?" He questioned, getting nervous as his sister very rarely held this expression.

"Do you have any names for him?" She shuffled her chair closer to him, maintaining eye contact as to be 'intimidating'.

"I call him babe I guess, but that's about it? Why are you asking this anyway sis?"

"You should come up with a nickname for Cole, and then surprise him by calling him it! I think he would like it you know, cause it's you." She smiled at her brother, before turning off her phone and placing it on the table, screen down.

"Sure, but why? I don't really have any reason to.. do I?"

"Eh, it was just an idea. But I do think your boyfriend would like it." She sighed as she stood up from her chair, walked over to the fridge and grabbed a juice box. "Do you want one of these bro?"


She handed him a juice box and she sat back down with him, beginning to sip from the carton.

"Would you help me think up a nickname for him?"Kai looked over to his sister, piercing the juice box with the paper straw.

"Haha! I knew you would see my point!" She beamed, turning her chair to face him.

"So what does he call you the most?"

"The name he calls me the most.. uhh firefly I think?"

"What do you think he would like you to call him?"She rubbed her chin lightly, Kai could practically see the cogs turning around in her head as she thought of an idea.

"I dunno, a lot of the things he calls me has something to do with fire? Maybe I should do something about his element..?"

"I've got it! What about rocky?!" Nya said, her voice full of excitement.

"I can't call him his old dragons name Nya."

"Oh shit yeah, I forgot that was his old dragons name." She face-planted the table, now looking down to her feet as she continued to think.

"Aha I know!"
"Get it??"

Kai face palmed, clearly unimpressed. "I'm not calling him a fucking drink brand, Nya."

"Uhm alright, Cole-Caine!"

"Nya that one was even worse!" Kai chuckled, listening as she started to list off weird versions of his boyfriends name.




"I'm not calling him that."


"How the fuck does that even sound like Cole?"

"Cole bear."

"Yeah I don't think I'll ever find a nickname for him."


Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Zane had just finished the mission sensei Wu sent them on, as they all got into their mechs.

"Argh, I can't wait to get home!" Cole spoke down the intercom to his friends, watching as they all set off.

"You mean you can't wait to get home so you can fuck Kai." Jay laughed, bringing his mech next to Cole's.

"Uh- that's not true!" The black ninja scowled at Jay, continuing to move his mech forward.

"Don't act like you guys don't have sex every other night, I can hear you from my room.It's actually rather surprising that both smith siblings are bottoms."

Lloyd huffed. "Can you guys not talk about sex over the intercoms, please?"

"Yes, please wait until we are home." Zane chipped in.

"It's Jay that's talking about it not me!" Cole shouted down the intercom, before turning it off.

Cole sighed, starting to think to himself as they neared the monastery.
'Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to fuck him again. It's not like I don't want to-
Fucking hell I need to get my mind out of the god damn gutter.'

Cole brought his mech to a stop out side the monastery, before jumping out and meeting his friends at the crimson doors.

3rd person pov

Lloyd swung the doors open, the other three ninja following close behind.
"Nya, Kai we're back!"

The four ninja spread out into hallway, starting to hear faint running as they put their weapons down.

Kai excitedly ran around the corner, Nya going around behind him.

"Cole!" The red ninja exclaimed his lovers name, running into his arms and hugging him.

Jay chuckled. "Pfft gay."

The water elemental nudged him in the side gently, watching her brother and Cole.

"I missed you, Coley." Kai tensed, suddenly realising he called him something other than 'babe'.

"Well, that's new from you firefly." Cole laughed a little, before placing a kiss to Kai's forehead.

"You aren't hurt are you?" The fire elemental questioned quickly, pulling away from the embrace and inspecting Cole's body.

"Nah, no one was hurt baby. We just smell a bit haha."

Kai looked around, noticing it was only him and Cole there. "Uh.. where did everyone go?"

"They probably went to go have a shower, I probably should too, you wanna come with?"

"Sure, but I better be able to walk afterwards." The red ninja glared slightly, he knew very well what they were like around each-other naked.

"Hmm, can't promise that."

"Alright Coley, cmon." Kai reached for the black ninjas hand, being granted it almost instantly.

"You should call me that more often firefly." Cole said, starting to walk towards their bedroom.

"Call you what more?" Kai asked dumbly.


"Ooh yeah sure if you want me too, it was Nya's idea for me to give you a nickname." He spoke shyly, placing a hand to his neck and rubbing it.
"Cmon then, I'm horny."

"Jeez okay." Cole chuckled, allowing himself to be lead forwards by the smaller boy.

Sorry it's short I couldn't think of anything else to add-.

Also thanks for all the reads! It means alot to be that people actually like my work!

Have a nice day/night! <3

1112 words

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