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I meant to finish this yesterday being as it was April fools, so sorry about that, anyways enjoy!
3rd person pov

Every year on April 1st, Kai and Lloyd banded together to prank every member of they're team, apart from themselves of-course. They even pranked master Wu one year, but they learnt the hard way to never do that again.

Now Lloyd was usually quite serious, but when it came to the one day a year that almost everyone else was doing pranks, how could he say no? He was the lord Garmadon's  son after all. Besides, Kai was surprisingly good at coming up with prank ideas and it pretty much just became a 3 year tradition.

The only problem being that this year, the other ninja were tired of being pranked and had set up a secret "meeting" in Nya and Jays bedroom to come up with a plan to get them back for the past few years.

"So what are we going to do exactly?" Cole questioned, propping himself up onto the wardrobe behind him.

Nya shrugged. "I don't know, just something that'll get those two idiots to stop pranking us."
"Zane do you have any ideas, your the smart one here!"

"We could just do the same kind of harmless pranks they do I suppose, that would make the most sense, wouldn't it?" Zane said confused, as he saw the facial expressions of his peers.

"Harmless?! freezing my cereal is not harmless Zane!!!" Jay shouted, leaning onto Nya's shoulder in a huff.

"Well, they're pranks aren't really all that bad, are they?" Cole claimed dumbly, attempting to take some of the heat off of his boyfriend and Lloyd.

"Cole, do you remember what happened with the washing machine?!" Jay exclaimed, clearly still angry from an incident that happened around 2 years ago.

"Or when they locked you up in that closet?" Nya added, frowning at the strange memory.

"Didn't they also put springy snakes in the fridge last year?" Zane asked, looking over to the water ninja.

"Yes Zane, yes they did." She face palmed as she slumped forwards, her face almost hitting the floor,

"Well, maybe we could do something that isn't too bad?" Cole questioned, still trying to retain some form of sense from his friends.

Nya glared at the black ninja. "Cole, do you remember when Kai put mayonnaise in your slippers?"

"You know, maybe we can be a little bit harsh with a prank here." The earth elemental spoke, finally giving into his friends plan.

Jay smiled. "Great! so what we are gonna do is-."

Kai and Lloyd had snuck out early that morning to quickly go to Ninjago city, and pick a few things up that they needed for their pranks.

"Do you think we'll get back before the others wake up?" Kai questioned, checking his phone for the time.

07:15 am

"Zane might be awake, but he usually stays in his room until everyone else wakes up, I think. The others however, shouldn't be up for another 2 hours hopefully." Lloyd responded, smirking slightly as he carried a small white bag that contained their pranking stuff.

"Is 2 hours even long enough to put up all of our pranks?" Kai questioned, clicking the keys to his car and opening the door.

"Probably not, but I'm 100% sure we can distract them with something or other. Like a video game or movie or something?" The green ninja smiled, showing his off-white teeth.

Lloyd and Kai got into the red ninja's car, slamming the doors closed as they sat down. Lloyd placed the plastic bag in the footwell, making sure it was securely placed between his feet. Kai started up the cars engine, revving it a few times before reversing back out of his parking spot and driving off.

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