Six Cole's

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Yes this is a teen titans reference.

Red- Anger
Orange- playful
Green- shy
Purple- Love
Blue- Sadness
Yellow- fear
3rd person pov

The ninja were inside their mechs, once again fighting an unknown enemy. The criminals they were fighting against suddenly started shooting balls of purple smoke, catching the ninja off-guard.

"Guys, we don't know what that is, so do not get hit by it!" Lloyd shouted, his teammates nodding in agreement.

"Kai watch out!" Cole pushed Kai out of the way of a smoke bomb, coughing as he breathed it in.

"Cole are you okay?!" The red ninja screamed, worry clearly visible on his face.

"Everyone fall back, meet back at the monastery, Cole's been hit!" Lloyd said, running off in his mech.

The ninja reached the monastery after a few minutes, parking their mechs outside and jumping out.

"Okay what the fuck was that?!" Jay asked, looking over to Cole.

"I'm not not sure, but I feel kinda weird." Cole said, holding his head as he stared feeling dizzy.

Zane started looking up the purple mist in his database trying to find what it was, Kai, Lloyd and Jay crowding around him as he did so.

Nya let out a scream and the four turned to face her, concerned expression's on their faces, before turning to shock.

6 Cole's stood in-front of the team, each a different colour.
Yellow started screaming. "WHATS GOING ON?!"
Blue broke out in a fit of tears, slumping onto the floor.
Green crossed his arms nervously. "Why is everyone staring?" He said trembling slightly.
Red started cussing. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, WHAT THE FUCK."
Orange stood there, inspecting the different ninja in-front of him. "well this is different." he chuckled.
Purple snaked his way around Kai's waist, pulling him towards himself. "Hey hotshot~." he spoke gripping onto Kai's shoulder.

"What's going on out he-." Wu stopped mid sentence, taking in the scene in-front of him.

The ninja looked to Wu, all as confused as each-other.

"Mmm Kai your cute~!" Purple clung onto Kai tightly, making the smaller boy flush red.

"Purple stop doing that! Your making a fool of yourself!" Red shouted, pulling purple off of Kai.

Yellow started pacing in circles, rambling. "Oh my god what's going on, what if they hate me?! Did they find out I'm Gay?!"

The ninjas heads turned to look at the yellow Cole, shock once again clear on their faces.

Green nervously clung onto Kai, shaking slightly. "Kai can you hold me, I don't like everyone watching me."

Kai's eyes wondered around all the Cole's, holding onto the green version of him.

"Zane, what's going on here?!" He questioned, his eyes darting over to the white ninja.

"It appears Cole's emotions have been split into different people, but it should wear off after an hour or so." Zane announced, scanning over all of the Cole's.

Blue started crying harder then before, speaking in small bursts as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Arg they hate me- *hick* because I'm gay.. ah now I'll never have a chance with Kai!"

"Shut up blue!" Red screeched hitting the back of blues head. "Your exposing all of our secrets here!"Red growled looking over to Kai.

"B-but it's true! Kai won't love me! He's probably straight.." Blue continued crying, ignoring all of the eyes on him.

"Jay I'm bored! Can we play video games or something?!" Orange pleaded, grabbing onto the blue ninjas shoulder.

"Alright, Cole's go stand over there for a moment, the rest of us need to have a word." Wu said, walking over to his students, bringing them into a huddle. The Cole's did as instructed and Wu began to whisper to the team.

"Zane are you 100% sure this is temporary?" Wu questioned, looking over to him.

Zane nodded. "affirmative! I searched through my database and the mist was made from a flower that splits peoples emotions from they're original body."

"Okay, but what do we do in the meantime until Cole goes back to normal?" Kai asked, looking over to the others for an answer.

"I don't know, he seems to like you Kai, maybe you should stay with him until he's back to normal, you know, to make sure he doesn't get hurt." Lloyd said, the others nodding in agreement.

"Ugh, fine." Kai sighed, breaking away from the huddle and towards the different coloured Cole's.

"Guys, come on, your under my watch until you go back to normal." Kai said, walking into the monastery and towards his room, the Cole's following behind.

Kai walked into his bedroom, gesturing for them to follow.
"Your rooms so cool Kai!" Orange shouted, running and jumping onto his bed.

Kai could already tell they were going to be a handful and just gave in, sitting down on his bed next to orange.

"You guys can get on the bed too if you want." The red ninja sighed again, cupping his face with his hands.

"What is it cutie? Is something wrong?" Purple questioned, snaking his arm around Kai's waist again.

"It's nothing." Kai let out a long breath, lying back.

"Argh I can't believe I'm in Kai's room, what if I do something stupid?!" Yellow shouted, clinging to red nervously.

"Get off of me!" Red pushed yellow off onto the floor, earning a Yelp from the bright colour.

"Kai I love you~." Purple announced, looking like a lovesick teenage girl.

The fire elemental froze at the confession, unsure how to respond. He felt his cheeks heating up as he looked at the purple version of his crush.

"Purple don't say that! What if he thinks we're gross! What if he doesn't like guys, oh my god what if he hates us?!" Blue started crying again, clinging onto green for comfort.

"I do like guys." Kai said nonchalantly. looking up at the ceiling as though it were captivating.

All 6 of the Cole's sprung up in excitement. "You do?!" They shouted in sync.

"Yeah. I like you specifically." The red ninja smiled, looking over to the versions of Cole. "I would kiss you if you weren't 6 different bodies right now."

Purple perked up slightly, looking over to kai. "Can we kiss when we're one person again?!"He shouted, his eyes basically sparkling.

"We can, but right now I want a nap." kai said, falling asleep almost instantly.
Kai jerked awake, his eyes scanned over the room, looking for the Cole's. When he didn't find them he looked to his side, blushing when he realised Cole had turned back to normal and was cuddling into his side.

The red ninja shook Cole softly. "Cole, your back to your normal self again!" He whispered, Dark emerald eyes now looking up at him.

"Oh, yeah I guess I am." Cole said, glancing to Kai. "Did you mean it? That you want to kiss me?" He questioned, feeling himself lean towards Kai.

He didn't get an answer, instead the red ninja pulled Cole towards him and smashed their lips together.

Cole was in shock for a moment before melting into the kiss, his hands tangling into Kai's hair as he depended it.

They finally pulled apart for air, looking into each-others eyes.

"I love you, kai."

"I love you too, Cole."
I'm gonna end it here-

Sorry it's bad I'm writing this at 1am and I'm tired af lol.
This is probably the weirdest thing I've written but oh well 💀

have a nice day <3

1251 words

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