Truth or dare

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3rd person pov

Small flashes radiated from the video game screen as Cole and Jay moved their characters around, partaking in a simulated battle.
Suddenly, everything went black, causing their video game to stop.

"Dude, what happened?! We were just about to beat our high score!" Jay slumped back into the sofa, throwing the controller next to him.

"I dunno, seems like a power outage." Cole answered, placing his controller onto a nearby coffee table.

"Has the power gone out?" Lloyd questioned, walking into the room slightly.

"Yeah I think so greenie." Cole huffed, standing up from the sofa.

"Ugh! What are we gonna do now?!" Jay flailed his arms about, clearly upset.

"We still have our phones Jay, just play some games on there."

"We have no wifi Cole!"

"Maybe we can use this as a team building exercise and play a game or something." Lloyd suggested trying to see the two in the darkness.

"Yeah maybe, does anyone have any candles?" Cole said, walking into the doorframe.

"I think Kai has some, he lights them with his fire."Jay added, now getting up off of the sofa.

"Okay I'll get Zane, Jay you get Nya and Cole get Kai and a load of candles please, meet back here once we have everybody." Lloyd advocated, the Blue and black ninja nodding their heads in agreement.

Cole blushed slightly, bringing up a hand to knock on Kai's door.

"Kai are you in there? Lloyd wants to do some team building exercise thing."

He heard a shuffle behind the door before it opened, revealing Kai.

"Team building, in the middle of a black out?" Kai huffed, using his elemental power to see.

Cole blushed red, the glow of the fire illuminating the red ninjas face.
"Oh, and he asked if you have any candles."

"I'll get them." the master of fire turned around and started grabbing candles off of his desk, walking back over to Cole.
"Alright let's go then."

The black ninja nodded, leading Kai to the games room.

"Okay is everyone here?" Lloyd questioned, placing a few lit candles around the room.

"Affirmative." Zane announced, sitting down on the floor.

"Alright in a circle everyone, I'll explain what we're gonna do." Lloyd spoke, plopping himself onto the floor next to Zane.

"Erm, Lloyd why is there a bottle?" Nya asked, looking to the green ninja.

"Right so, we're gonna play truth or dare, but you have to ask whoever the bottle lands on." The green ninja explained, he then leant forwards and spun said bottle, landing on Jay.
"Alright, truth or dare Jay."

"Ha That's easy! Dare obviously!" The blue ninja shouted, smirk on his face.

Lloyd had a smug expression  as he thought of a dare. "I dare you to eat only Cole's cooking for a whole week"

"What?! Ugghh fine!" Jay sighed before leaning forward and spinning the bottle, it landing on Kai.

"Truth." Kai stated, leaning backwards onto his hands.

"Arg your boring!" Jay exclaimed before thinking of something, his eyes landing on Cole.
He darted his eyes back to Kai, him now having the same smug look Lloyd had earlier.
"Do you like anyone here?"

Kai's face flushed red. "What kind of a question is that?! O-obviously not."

Cole felt his heart sink momentarily, before noticing the blush on the red ninjas cheeks.

"You don't have to lie Kai, we all know you like Cole."Nya chuckled, watching her brother and the black ninja become redder.

"Yes, okay fine I like Cole! Big deal." He sighed, reaching forward and spinning the bottle.

Of course it had to land on the earth elemental.
Kai glanced up at Cole, now starting to sweat. "U-uh truth or dare Cole."

He thought for a moment, before glancing back at Kai. "Dare"

"Kiss me! I-I mean if you want to." Kai said, eyes inter-locking with Cole's.

Cole stood up, before bending down and grabbing Kai's arm leading him out of the room and into the hallway.


I do want to kiss you, Kai.

Before Kai had registered it, He felt warm lips on his own. He melted into the kiss, moving his hands to cup Cole's face.

They're lips moved in sync, despite neither of them having kissed anyone before.

Cole lifted Kai's shirt up slightly, placing his hands on the smaller boys skin.

"If you guys are done, we want to continue the game." Nya's voice sounded, startling the two boys as they pulled apart.

"Yeah we're coming." Kai said, winking at Cole and grabbing his hand. "Would you want to date me cole? I know this all seems sudden but I really like you."

The black ninja smiled at him, before nodding his head. "I was just gonna ask you that, so yeah I'd like to date you." He kissed his cheek, then walked back into the games room, still holding his hand.

"And to think Lloyds plan worked." Zane chuckled. "Can I turn the lights back on now?"

Lloyd nodded. "yeah you can turn the lights back on Zane, thanks for that."

Cole and Kai's jaws practically hit the floor, learning that Zane had caused the black out.
"What?! You guys set us up?!" Cole questioned, looking at the 4 ninja.

"Yeah, we were all in on it, hence why Jay asked Kai that question earlier." Nya beamed, sitting herself down next to the master of lightening.

"But how did Zane turn the lights off?" Kai asked, looking to his robotic friend.

"That's for me to know." Zane answered.

"Are we still playing or can we finish playing prime empire?" Jay questioned, looking to his friends.

Cole glanced to Kai briefly. "I think I might spend some time with Kai, if he wants to obviously." Cole added.

Kai squeezed the taller boys hand. "Yeah, cmon let's go babe."

Cole blushed at the name before nodding his head, allowing himself to be taken to Kai's room.

The red ninja shut the door behind them, before locking his lips with Cole's again.

I have no idea how people write full stories lol, I struggle to write one shots despite having ideas for them.

Sorry it's short and if it's bad, I didn't have a lot of time to write this in, but I wanted to post something.

Have a nice day <3

1058 words

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