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He awoke to a soft shuffling noise, moving around the room here and there. Cole groaned, slowly opening his eyes to see what the commotion was.

"Kai honey, what are you doing?"

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." The red ninja flashed him a smile, pulling a baggy shirt over his head.

"Where are you going..? Its still dark." He sighed, moving himself to sit up. He turned his head to look down at his phone, pressing the screen to check the time.

Kai chuckled quietly, pulling his boyfriend into a hug. "Don't worry babe, I'm just gonna go outside for some fresh air, alright?"

"But it's 04:08 in the morning baby.." He groaned, adjusting his eyes to the surroundings.

"Is it? Oh well." The fire elemental sighed, wandering over to the door quietly. "I'll be back in half an hour, love you." 

"Okay.." Cole watched as the brunette left the room, carefully shutting the door behind himself.
What was he supposed to do now that he was left there alone? 'Im just gonna get some cake.' That's what he was gonna do, it's Cole we're talking about here.

He let out a long breath, pulling a black jacket over his shoulders and zipping it up. The black ninja walked out into the hallway, staring out into the darkness of it. It suddenly occurred to him, maybe he should see what Kai was doing. His feet moved, unconsciously bringing him to the kitchen. He peered out of the small window, softly smiling as he saw his boyfriend sat outside. It was somehow reassuring that he wouldn't be cold due to his fire. Kai was like a human heater sometimes, it was nice especially during winter.

The earth elemental leaned onto the counter in-front of him, he knew he was staring at Kai but he didn't care. He watched as the brunette laid backwards, his back hitting the wooden floor as he still sat on the steps. 'Is he watching the stars?' He'd never seen Kai do that before, despite having known each-other a few years now. The red ninja was shy to tell people some things about himself, it was honestly pretty cute. In Cole's eyes that boy could do no wrong. It didn't matter how angry he got, he was still perfect. Fuck, he could murder someone and he wouldn't care, he would still be perfect. Is that a little strange? He wasn't sure, but it was how he felt. Even if Kai couldn't see it.. everything he did was perfect.

Cole sighed, leaning his head onto his hand. He really couldn't be more lovestruck. 'I'm so gay for that boy.' (He's a tad bit fruity anyway but yk 😉)

He finally tore his eyes away, moving over to the fridge. He scanned his eyes over the many magnets over it, the most important being the one that held a photo of the team. His family. All of them were like family in one way or another, it didn't matter that they weren't blood related. He would do anything for them. He slowly looked over to where him and Kai stood in the photo, they weren't even dating at that point and he had his arm around the smaller boy. Cole smiled to himself, pulling the fridge door open. He winced slightly as the light hit his eyes, he grabbed a cupcake and shut the door quickly.

The earth elemental pulled the wrapper back, carefully wandering back over to the window. He chuckled quietly, seeing Kai with his arm outstretched. Was he counting the stars? It was honestly pretty cute to watch. He took a bite of the cake, the chocolate flavour filling his mouth. His lips formed a small smile, as he gazed to the boy outside. He had his two favourite things in the world right now, and he planned to keep it that way. Those two things being Kai, and cake. If you asked him he'd even tell you he preferred the red ninja over cake. Shocking, right?

He pulled his phone out of the pocket of his shorts, hastily turning down the brightness as the screen blared out. '04:38 Am.' Had he really been staring at him for almost twenty minutes? A sudden thought came to his mind as he stuffed the rest of the cupcake in his mouth. 'What if I go join him outside?' He slowly nodded to himself, throwing the clear wrapper into the bin. 'In a minute though.. I wanna take advantage of staring at him..' He sighed, leaning onto the counter yet again. It was honestly pretty fun just to watch Kai.. Fuck was it creepy to think that? He watched as the brunette moved his arm around, his finger pointed out. 'Okay yeah, he's counting the stars.. cute.'

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