Date (pt2 of hair gel)

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'Oh my god. He feels the same way!' Cole was still blushing furiously, watching as Jay and the others walked over.

"Yeah dude! That's how you do it!" Jay shouted as he ran over, Lloyd and Zane following close behind. "HIGH FIVE MAN!" Jay up stretched his hand, Cole high fiving  him in return.

"Congratulations Cole!" Zane shouted, happy for his teammate.
Lloyd just stood next to the white ninja, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Alright so, where are you taking him Cole?"Jay looked at him, waiting for an answer.

Cole pondered on it for a moment, having two places in mind. 'Hmm I could take him to that nice beach or maybe the movies? Oh maybe I could take him to both, that's a nice idea.'

"COLEE! Stop staring into space man!" Jay shook him a little, getting impatient for a response.

"I know exactly where to take him!" Cole smiled. "But first I need to get some flowers."

Lloyd suddenly burst out laughing. "You?! Buying FLOWERS? I never saw you as the romantic type!"Lloyd fell back onto the floor, still laughing his ass off.

"Jeez thanks Lloyd." Cole just stared at him, clearly unimpressed. "You guys go back to the monastery I'll meet you there." Cole exclaimed, before turning around and walking out the store. hearing his friends go to they're vehicles and start them up.

Cole sighed, deep in thought again as he walked to a nearby flower shop. 'I wonder what kind of flowers kai would like.. maybe I should play safe and just get him some roses? Red of-course. Yeah seems like a good idea.'
Cole walked into the store, searching for roses amongst all of the coloured flowers.

'Oh what are these ones? They're pretty nice.' He picked up a bouquet of red roses, a light orange blending down into the centre. 'I think he'll like these they're pretty.' Cole walked over to the counter, placing the roses on-top.



He wondered into the monastery, now clutching the hair gel he set off for in the first place. 'Alright, now let's just hope that Nya isn't here, to avoid embarrassing myself even more.'

'Although, I can't believe I'm going on a date with Cole!' He smiled to himself, remembering the events that just happened just a few moments ago.

He opened the door to the bathroom, walking in and placing the gel down on the sink. He opened one of the tubs, now beginning to do his hair. Bringing his hands up to spike it like normal. 'Maybe I could ask Nya to help me with my clothes.. I don't really have anything for dates. Or maybe Zane? He might know a thing or two, being a nindroid. He even has a girlfriend. Although, I don't suppose that's going to help me impress Cole. I'll just have to ask Nya.'

He walked out of the bathroom, now heading towards Nya's room, to check if she was in there.
Kai knocked on the wooden door, waiting to see if there was an answer.
"Nya? Are you in there?"

The door opened and Nya stuck her head out. "Oh, hey kai! What do you need?" She smiled at her older brother, opening the door fully.

"Uh, well.. I'm kind of going on a date and I need help picking out clothes." He chuckled nervously. He knew Nya thought that he was straight.

"Oh Sure! Did Skylor finally ask you out then?"

Kai felt himself start to sweat a little.
'Shit now I have to tell her who.'
"Ah, no it's not Skylor." He laughed, slightly starting to panic.

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