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I had no idea what to call this chapter so if it doesn't make sense I'm sorry! 

Disclaimer: This is a trans Kai au (ftm) mostly just because I wanted to write one, being trans myself.


Being trans can be hard. It can take a massive toll on someone mental health. And what are one of the worst things about it? Body dysphoria. It just wasn't fair. The one question that always rang in his head, haunted him. 'Why couldn't I have been born like all the other boys?' Truthfully, it fucking hurt.

When he was younger he would always correct people that he was in-fact, not a girl. It hurt every time someone used "she". But when your a child, no one listens. He was just grateful that Wu was kind enough to get him on testosterone when he turned 16, and that ever since finding his parents they helped him save money for top surgery. He was even more grateful that it was kept low-key so that that the public didn't know.

One of his biggest worries, was what Cole thought about it. Sure he was his boyfriend, and he knew he loved him, but he was gay. And he didn't exactly have male parts, and the black ninja knew that. Heck they'd had sex many times, but it didn't soothe him at all when his thoughts were that his boyfriend didn't like it much.

Kai lifted his shirt over his head, letting it fall to the bathroom floor with a soft thud. His eyes scanned over his torso, slowly he brought his hand up to his chest, tracing a finger over his top scar. It made him happy that his breasts were gone. It had been a year since his surgery, but it didn't stop him feeling relief every time he saw he was free of them.

He pulled the shower curtain back, stepping in as water started falling from the shower head. He felt as the water engulfed him, the familiar feeling comforting him as he stared at the wall. Was it silly to question what Cole thought of him? He knew that the earth elemental loved him very much, but the little voice in his head was always there saying that he would leave him for a cis guy.

There wasn't really anyone he could talk to about his concerns. 'surely they wouldn't understand.. they'll just be weirded out.'  He didn't know any other trans people, just people from online that didn't seem to worry about people knowing. The red ninja didn't understand how people could do that, surely it ruins  they're reputations? It bothered him just coming out to his friends and parents, how the fuck would he be able to tell people that he didn't know?

The fire elemental stepped out of the shower carefully, he needed to speak to Cole. He put clean clothes on quickly, not even bothering to his hair. Kai zipped his red jacket up before turning to his bedroom door and opening it. (Let's just say he has a bathroom in his bedroom because I'm too lazy to write him walking back and forth.)

He ran out into the hall, accidentally bumping into Nya in the process.

"Oh, sorry sis!"

"It's alright Kai, but what are you rushing for?" The water ninja questioned, looking up into her brothers amber eyes.

He sighed, staring back down to his sister. "Have you seen Cole? I wanted to talk to him about something that's bothering me."

"Ah, Cole left to get some more tea for Wu, he told me to tell you." She said, watching as Kai's expression faltered.

"Dammit." He muttered, clenching his fists onto his jacket sleeves.

"You can talk to me about it, if you want to." Nya smiled, placing a gentle hand onto her brothers shoulder.

He smiled back at her, before swiftly pulling her into a tight hug. "Thank-you, Nya."

"Anything for you, bro."

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