Confessions and Kisses

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Aru was on a facetime call. And frankly, she wanted to go hide in a hole and never come out ever again.

"C'mon Shah!" Brynne exclaimed exasperatedly. "He obviously does!"

"No, he doesn't!" She argued for the thousandth time.

For the past few minutes, Brynne and Mini were trying to convince Aru that Aiden liked her. It wasn't working. I mean, come on! He hadn't talked to her in days!

Scratch that. Weeks.

"I'm getting some Swedish fish," Aru said grumpily, ending the facetime call. She went downstairs and grabbed a few packets of her favorite candy from the kitchen cabinets, settling on the couch.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

"No one's home!" she yelled. But the person outside was insistent and knocked a few more times. Aru groaned but dragged herself over to open the door. "I said no one's-" she stopped once she saw who was at the door.

Aiden towered above her, his height extremely maddening. His hood covered unruly hair that clearly hadn't been brushed, and he wore a simple black hoodie with black jeans. All in all, he looked kinda emo.

She said something smart, like, "Uh." Aiden smiled shyly, holding up a few more packets of Swedish fish.


Aru softened at the sight.

"Am I really that easy to read?"


Aru and Aiden sat on opposite sides of the couch, facing one another awkwardly.

"So," Aiden started.

"So," Aru echoed uselessly.

Aiden took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Listen, Shah, I'm sorry. And I'm not just saying that. I know you hurt because of me, and I really wish that hadn't happened. I wish I hadn't said some of the things that I did. I know I screwed up.

"But I also want you to know that I think you're beautiful, inside and out. You're pretty, you're smart, you're funny, but y'know what else? You're you. And that's what I like so much about you. You don't care what others think. You're brave and you're unafraid to voice your thoughts. And this time, I want to be the one to say what's been on my mind."

Aiden gazed at Aru across the couch, who was blinking back tears that had built up in her eyes against her will.

"I like you, Aru Shah. And I'm not going to hide it. And I don't know if you... got over me or anything, (Stellarlune Chapter 42 reference hehe) but I want you to know that I'll always be here. Even if you don't feel the same."

He lowered his gaze, seeming relived after his long speech. Aru scooted closer to him until she was close enough to see the purple flecks in his eyes. Wrapping both arms around his neck, she buried her face in his shoulder. Aiden pulled her closer, his own arms around her waist. 

After a moment, he pulled back and cupped her face with one hand, leaning closer until his lips were an agonizing inch away from her own. "This okay?" He whispered, his voice shaky. 

Words suddenly failed her, and she answered with her mouth.

Sparks flew between them as Aru brushed her lips against Aiden's warm ones, and he met her halfway. He pressed a hand hand against the small of her back, and a shiver ran through her. Her own hand slipped into his glossy curls. 

Aiden pressed one more honey-slow kiss before pulling away and resting his forehead against hers. He laughed quietly.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that," he breathed.

In response, Aru tugged him even closer and pressed her lips insistently against his.

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