What Caught My Eye (Aiden's POV)

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She's pretty. She's breathtakingly beautiful. But that wasn't what caught my eye.

It was the way she held her head high like she was ready to take on anything life threw at her.

It was how she walked, that badass attitude practically radiating off her.

It was her humor, always sure to crack me up on my worst days.

It was her gentle smile whenever she was comforting her sisters.

It was the resilience in her eyes, burning like a flickering flame.

It was the fact that she went out of her way to put a smile on her mother's face.

It was the fact that she would sacrifice herself for any one of us.

It was the burden I knew she carried but always ignored to keep us in high spirits.

But more, it was the way she loved.

It was the fierce, utmost love she had for her sisters, related not through blood but by soul. It was the fiery love she had for her cause, for a better world.

It was the bundle of warm love she had for her family.

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