A Love Not Confessed

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"Hey, nice work back there."

I glanced back. "Thanks." We slunk through the hallways dressed in black, hiding in the shadows. That was rule number one - whatever you do, don't be seen. Luckily, we managed to rig the alarm and get into the building without getting caught.

Aiden has insisted on coming with me on this one - "You almost killed yourself last time!" He'd protested when I refused. Eventually, he wore me down and here we are.

Our footfalls were silent as we slid against walls, nearing the room we needed to break into - or rather, borrow something from. Except we weren't giving it back.

My foot bumped into a small table; the vase centered on it wobbled ominously. "Shit," I muttered as Aiden froze behind me. I held the vase until it stilled. Aiden let out a relieved breath.

"Can you not?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.

"Can I not what?"

"Breath that loud."

"What do you want me to do, not breath until I die?"

"That would be great, thanks." I felt a smack on the back of my head, and I looked back at him, smirking. The fading sunlight through the tall glass windows fell on his full, pink lips until he slid back into the darkness. I shook my head to clear my head and then we kept creeping forward.

I don't see it, but Aiden does. Suddenly, he stops in his tracks, softly tapping me on the shoulder. I whirl around with a puzzled expression. He gestures to the four guards coming up from behind us, and I curse silently. Before I know it, though, Aiden grabs my wrist and yanks me into a dark room.

The only sound in the blackness is our breaths, uneven and choppy. One of the guards starts speaking, and I curse again.

Aiden grips my hand and swallows, his Adam's apple bopping. Through the thin cracks of the door, light streams in and illuminates his worried features. Brows drawn, beads of sweat form at his forehead.

"You good?"

"I just- I don't like enclosed spaces," he says into my ear. His breath is warm and minty, and I'm glad he can't see the color blooming across my face. For the first time, I'm aware of how close his face is to mine. So close that I can count the few freckles dotting his nose, the shimmering purple flecks surrounding the iris of his eyes. He shudders, then laces his fingers with mine.

"This okay?" Aiden asks.


We sit together, our bodies pressed together. Aiden takes in a big breath.


"Who's there?" Someone yells from outside. The silence is defeating as I cut off his sentence and motion for him to be quiet. The guard's footfalls become fainter by the second and then I can't hear them at all. I lift Aiden up to his feet.

"We should go."

"Y-yeah. Okay."

I open the door and then we're off again, my heart still beating violently against my chest.

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